Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3006 Business Law and Ethics onsite Jeng-Dau James Wu The course modules was designed by Professor Bruno, pretty constructive. Professor is chill with grading, as long as you meet the requirements. Onsite course is repetitive in terms of content (I have been taking his class two semesters in a roll), but informative. 9 2024-09-08 06:16:34
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 3801 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science onsite Fadi Muheidat 老师还不错,上课很认真,作业也会认真改,考试前会给sample卷子。 8 2024-09-03 06:45:50
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 3802 Automata, Computation, and Complexity onsite Christopher Smith 老师很不错,想认真学的话能学到东西,作业和讨论给分也很高,考试需要准备一下,考的都是提前给的review范围。 9 2024-09-03 06:43:15
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MSCS 2201 Artificial Intelligence onsite Dr. Alex The class is very easy, with straightforward and manageable assignments, making it simple to pass. The classroom environment is relaxed, and the professor’s teaching style is friendly and easy to understand. 10 2024-08-26 16:31:04
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2001 Personality and Motivation onsite Deeann Bruno The quality of the course is great. Professor talks in a calm tone and is an interesting person. Work load isn’t too much. 9 2024-08-22 09:34:19
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3002 Finance online Andy Borg 1-2 homeworks per week. Generally pretty simple. The professor is not picky with the deliver or present as long as you submit on time. 8 2024-08-20 08:12:21
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2001 Personality and Motivation onsite Tara Pipia 非常非常非常好的老师,caring,considerate,kind,非常善解人意的同时给分超好,作业很有意思让我们做冥想啊绘画啊等等,特别是上这节课真的感觉让我剖析了自我,真没想到给自己带来了实际的收获 10 2024-08-07 12:40:09
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 2103 Systems Programming onsite Dr.Bailey NIce professor, only have one final exam, no midterm exam, final is handwritten, closed book exam.a 10 2024-07-05 11:38:33
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2003 Decision Science 1 online Andy Borg 如果有按時交作業分數都還不錯,推薦,作業量也不算太多 9 2024-06-21 14:12:43
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4601 Marketing 2 online E. Leit Do not ever choose her course until you want to suffer in this quarter. She does not allow any form of AI usage and tries to deduct your points for any possible reasons, including you are not citing, your citations are not relevant to your essay (even when it is), your format is not correct, and you are using AI generated content (even if you are not). She is also trying to set a deadline on Wednesday and try to "award" diligent students by not having to reply to others if submitted by Monday. The final project was set with a deadline of Monday of the final week. 1 2024-06-03 02:00:22
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3006 Business Law and Ethics onsite Dr.D 覺得這門課教授給分有點嚴格 如果要遲交一定要先說 不然教授會直接打零分 不過補交之後他還是會regrade 作業有交週末onsite有來基本上都會pass 6 2024-05-19 13:58:34
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2003 Decision Science 1 online Andy Borg Dr. Borg provides detailed and constructive feedback to homework and discussions. The grading is also very fair. 8 2024-05-07 04:29:58
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2002 Positive Psychology for Business onsite Dawn McGregor 这个老师可以 10 2024-02-26 09:06:41
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2002 Positive Psychology for Business onsite Petra Meedt Professor Meedt很nice 给分容易比较高 on site学习氛围好而且提前放学 课程内容更偏向心理学内容 推荐 10 2024-01-03 05:29:09
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3005 Operations onsite DiMatteo 我覺得老師人挺nice 作業基本上有交分數都挺高 就是onsite會有group project 但是也挺輕鬆 9 2023-12-31 08:28:59
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2003 Decision Science 1 online Andy Borg 老師感覺很chill 不過discussion reply感覺要寫的有一定深度才會給分 不然大概80分 但是如果作業都有交基本上輕鬆過應該是沒什麼問題 8 2023-12-31 08:26:07
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3006 Business Law and Ethics onsite Deeann Bruno 作業很在意有沒有寫好APA格式,若沒遵守會扣分數。onsite課程因為學生數太少從3天縮短成1天,而且當天就只需要期末報告,然後就提早下課了很輕鬆。 8 2023-12-29 10:26:43
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4401 Technology Innovation & Product Management onsite Dale Golden 非常水,老师主要注意格式,不管内容,上课就是念稿,最后有个presentation 8 2023-12-29 05:41:48
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3008 Marketing 1 online Tracy Tuten 作业很多,老师严禁使用AI,并且会对作业提出问题。每周要按时完成周四due的作业,否则会扣分。presentation小组作业多。总体来说比较辛苦。 5 2023-12-28 11:59:02
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4003 Part-Time/Full Time Internship online Just remember each week to check in and finish the homework. It was good to have reflections. 10 2023-12-28 10:23:27
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date