Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 504 Principle of Programming Languages online Zaki Malik 课很简单 就是从头到尾介绍一遍python 会让你用jupyter notebook写作业 全是训练如何使用python的code 最后的presentation就是把大作业(包括所有的作业和最后用python处理数据的大作业)5分钟展示给老师 回答他提出的问题 老师会回邮件 很nice 10 2024-07-25 02:53:38
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 530 Computing Systems Architecture onsite Daqing Yun 有好几次作业 期中加期末考试 没有project 一些概念有一点难 但认真听还是能做对 老师很好 语速比较慢 推荐 10 2024-07-25 02:49:02
M.S. Analytics ANLY 510 Analytics II: Principles and Applications onsite Alan T. Hitch 教授人非常好。课业量不大,四个作业一个final project(可个人也可小组),给分大方,交了应该都是满分。教授很忙,有时会取消课,上网课的时候一般都会提前下课。 10 2024-07-04 08:35:14
M.S. Analytics ANLY 502 - Mathematical Foundations for Data Analysis online Bellur Srikar 上课会点名比较头疼。作业考试网上有答案 8 2024-06-27 09:06:03
M.S. Analytics ANLY 500 Analytics I: Principles and Applications online Layden Scott 平时上课不要求认真听。作业网上有答案。要求不高。 10 2024-06-27 09:02:08
M.S. Project Management MGMT 520 - Professional Communication online Nicole Reigelman Nice and knowledgeable professor. Always responded to my emails on time. I have learned how to give constructive feedback to colleagues, plan for and arrange meetings, convey negative messages and adjust my messages based on different audiences. As I am aspiring to become a manager in the future, effective communication will play a bigger role than technical skills do, and the course has taken my communication skills to the next level. I wish the last unit could be tailored to working professionals. Many of us have got a few years of working experience and have probably known how to write good resumes and cover letters and ace interviews. In the future, the lecture, reading and assignment in the last unit can focus more on common communication issues at workplaces and how to resolve them. 9 2024-06-15 10:01:24
M.S. Project Management PMGT 510 Principles of Project Management onsite Baba Sontyana The professor was nice and considerate, often giving extensions when requested in advance. I wish less reading was assigned. The PMBOK was too advanced for an introductory course. 7 2024-06-15 09:52:58
M.S. Analytics ANLY 502 - Mathematical Foundations for Data Analysis online Bellur Srikar 千万别选 作业很多 还有小组作业 教授喜欢上课点名回答问题 而且他自己根本不看邮件的 1 2024-05-30 11:11:43
M.S. Project Management ANLY 510 Analytics II: Principles and Applications online Satish Upadhyay A lot of work associated with this course. Professor is ok and does roll call every class. 4 2024-04-24 09:54:24
M.S. Project Management PMGT 540 - Planning and Executing Projects onsite Paul A. Harvey 上课签到的时候会要求出声回答,作业少(取消了很多)onsite提早放学,很好说话,上课风趣,分高,有他就选他! 10 2024-02-15 10:35:06
M.S. Project Management MGMT 560 - Organizational Leadership online Stephen Wall-Smith 上课要点名回答问题,后来发现打字也行。有两次课上突然分组做research然后present,啊可以混过去但是要做点东西。作业比较多,每周基本都有论坛留言,4篇分析,最好用老师提供的template,查apa格式的。 9 2024-02-15 10:32:27
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management ISEM 530 - Systems Engineering Principles online Robert Pittman Written Assignment 4 个,Participation Discussion 3 个,Exam 2个,Group Project 3 个 (分成三个部分但基本上就是三个project),Peer review 3 个,上课需要在课堂开始后10分钟内把attending code提交到学校网站,每次code都是随机且只能在课上前十分钟提交。教授经常忘记自己答应的事情,也不容易变通,比如project instruction临到due date前10 天被学生提醒才公布在Canvas,其中也没有详细要求presentation长度等信息,需要学生课上提醒,学生做的peer review结果一半人以上没有分因为他Canavs搞不太懂没看到学生提交的review。Pittman教授是engineer department lead,很多屁事,作业多,经常面临一周due 2-3个作业。 4 2024-02-13 08:56:32
M.S. Project Management HCID 520 Users and Populations onsite Richard Wirth Coursework is well designed and teaches the fundamental of user and population. Medium workload with three on-site classes per semester. 5 2024-01-02 03:41:49
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 520 - Data Engineering and Mining onsite Daqing Yun 老师给分还可以,几乎每周都有作业,有期中期末考试 ,考试内容和作业内容差不多。不算是水课。但是作业按部就班做就能拿A 8 2024-01-01 08:57:34
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 594 Software Testing Principles and Techniques online Ira Weissberger 老师上课讲的也还可以. 但是这老师喜欢在课前再发上课链接, 并且时不时就请假说今晚没课了.. 也没作业... 反正就是很水... 9 2023-12-31 08:45:12
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 530 Computing Systems Architecture onsite Daqing Yun 老师讲课慢慢的有点口音 课程有些晦涩难懂 但总体事少分好推荐 9 2023-12-30 04:42:37
M.S. Analytics ANLY 699 Applied Project in Analytics onsite James H. Scrivner He’s a really nice Professor. Easy A, and gives good suggestions on your paper., learn a lot about APA format, definitely recommend. 10 2023-12-29 13:13:21
M.S. Project Management PMGT 570 Agile Project Management with Scrum Methodology online Patrick Conlon 不点名 给分高 每堂课开始会让预定的小组做5分钟presentation和Kahoot小测 不计分但是准备的小组会稍麻烦一些 9 2023-12-28 10:17:43
M.S. Analytics ANLY 500 - Analytics I: Principles and Applications online Kevin Huggins Crazy teacher! Don’t take! Two midterms and due Dec 24th! Who would have due on Christmas Eve???!!! Also strict on scores!!! Is he aware the meaning of day1 CPT??? 3 2023-12-28 09:06:26
M.S. Healthcare Informatics HCIN 500 Healthcare Informatics onsite Michael Seavers 老师给分很mean,建议别选这个老师的课 6 2023-12-28 08:51:02
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date