Online video teaching style
Homework two assignment due every week and two discussion every week.
2023-06-06 03:19:29
Data Analytics MS
ANA 500 Foundations of Data Analytics
Nick Kahn
The Professor is friendly and the workload is medium. I spend 5-6 hours a week on the course. We need to submit discussion post three times a week and work on two problem sets.
ANA 510 Statistical Methods for Data Science and Analytics
Marvine Hamner
Terrible quality of this class. The homework is not difficult, but the instructions on the homework is extremely unclear, and they are submitted on an auto-grading system. The input is not well instructed, such as, not letting you know which dataset it refers to, not letting you know which model it refers to(as there is usually a list of models you created, with different variables selected) . And behind the system it has a standard input to evaluate your answer by just Yes or No. Besides, the course instructor is highly untrustworthy, and bullies students using very curteous words, aims to not answer students' questions and let them get lower score, so that "her course is not that easy and not everyone can score high". Plus, many questions actually has wrong answer! Some questions even had no right answer because the question is wrongly designed! And the instructor never admits faults or to correct her mistakes.