Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Rebecca Ingoglia There is no video or any other online sections, only one on-site class. The homework load is extremely heavy. Each week, we are required to write a paper (no less than 1500 words) and have weekly discussions even if it's midterm week. The instructor basically just told us to go read the textbook and write papers. In some weeks, for example, this week, we have to do one case study and one paper, as well as the weekly discussion. I understand that homework is important for us to master the materials, but the time consumption on homework assignments significantly affects my CPT course and work. I am struggling to find the CPT - course load balance. 1 2023-09-08 02:40:54
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Christina Wadd 这个老师很好,onsite大概4点就结束了,讲的也非常有意思。平时给分比较松,一周一个discussion和两个回复,syllabus会写字数要求、其实没到也都是满分、出分特别快,quiz全部可以搜到,exam也可以搜到。最后要写一个project,每周写一点,最后也没什么压力。 8 2023-08-28 14:59:23
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics online Jacqueline Delagrange 老师人很好,每周discussion认真参与都是满分,两个quiz 围绕书本课后题,final project认真写都会给高分 9 2023-08-22 23:31:53
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication onsite Dina Samora 老师还可以但是给分低,需要严格按要求,discussion 很难拿满,大作业需要group 6 2023-08-22 23:26:41
Master of Business Administration GE 5103 Project Management online Kelly Wibbenmeyer Kelly's grading is strict; not prioritizing discussions and papers might result in sub-60 grades. I dedicate about 4 hours to the paper every 2 weeks. Her announcements can be unclear, but not following them affects your grade. Workload is doable, particularly compared to 6933. 6 2023-08-22 01:48:26
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina Sosa Antonio is friendly and patient. He's giving us a chance for an exam retake. In class, he has us do assignments related to the final exam at the board. The class is mostly about hands-on tasks. He's really nice about discussion grades, being generous with them. 10 2023-08-22 01:43:21
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication online Conni Xecominos Prof. Xecominos is the best professor I have had in the US. She is very professional and also personal. She communicates with her students through multiple platforms (Texts, email and calls). She responds to you always so timely and always patient to clarify everything you asked. All her grading gives personalized feedback that's specific to your assignments unlike other professors who gave random feedback that's not even relevant. She is also very understandable if something comes up, she will work with you. She also sets up office hours when we were having a big assignment so that she can clarify things for us. I can never have a better professor like her at Trine. 10/10 100% 10 2023-08-18 00:19:17
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data online Esraa Alsharoa The professor is very nice! We need to read some textbooks and wrote some annotation and case study. Then we utilized Udacity to learn and complete the assignment. Basically, the course is helpful. 10 2023-08-17 08:12:06
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management online Mike Haverty 推荐Mike Haverty的课 上了他的MK 6943. 全部都是100% 写的paper total grade也是100%, 也不说象征性的给个97 98的,没有考试。 course project 和discussion 我好多typo 也全部都是100% 感觉他看都不看 过了due date 秒出分,邮件回的也很快。最后总分是100% 10 2023-08-10 23:35:19
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools onsite Hassan Taleb 蠻好的,作業有交基本滿分 8 2023-08-10 11:34:50
Master of Science in Engineering Management GE 5113 New Prod Dev and Innovation Strategies onsite Dennis Lessard I think the quality of this course is pretty high, the homework load is manageable, and I really like the professor's teaching style, especially since this is a hybrid course, we need to attend the class in person and the professor lets us discuss our companies' innovative products and strategies, it was really interesting to learn from each others and the professor also provided us with some insightful information based on his own experiences. Overall, this course was pretty nice and I really like it! 9 2023-08-10 07:29:53
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5203 Network Management online Kristopher Keen Responsive professor; low homework load; Cengage e-learning platform 9 2023-08-10 06:04:20
Master of Science in Information Studies GE 5103 Project Management onsite Dennis Lessard 大体适中,比较看重作业格式。有AI作业检查,onsite需要做presentation比较严格。 7 2023-08-10 05:40:47
Master of Science in Business Analytics BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Rabia Almamlook 给分高,onsite讲了一小时课剩下就给学生写assignment 10 2023-08-10 05:38:30
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5003 Operations Analytics online Omar Parks 千万别选,卡分严重,而且除了说一些模糊不清的关于格式不行的话根本不告诉你理由,给分极低 1 2023-08-10 05:35:52
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5023 Data Driven Decision Making online Ricardo McCoy This class was difficult, but Professor McCoy took time to explain each module. 10 2023-08-07 14:58:16
Master of Science in Information Studies FIN 5203 Finance for Engineers online Stephan Owusu 打分非常严格,特别是discussion,如果 cite了investopedia很有可能只有50分。有2个video presentation,还有2个project都需要准备。对于迟交0容忍,除非提前和他request要迟交 总分不给curve 不是能轻松水过的课,需要认真写作业,甚至为了project的得分需要去office hour 建议慎选!卷王随意 5 2023-08-06 03:05:25
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance online Charlene Gayle 绝世好老师,每周discussion给满分,quiz可以搜到,exam也是题库内容,project也不难。 10 2023-08-02 10:46:24
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance online Dana Leland 课本身不难,基础的finance知识和公式。每周是quiz和discussion。exam有三个,占比较大。有一个final project,需要写3-5页,除此之外课业不重难度不高。老师回复很快人也很和善。 10 2023-08-02 10:45:29
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Joshua Lizardi 作业本身会很多,大量计算,大量quiz,应该只要是这门课就会是这个作业量。但是老师人特别好,平时作业只要提前和他交流,宽容度都很大。邮件回复很快,还会介绍很多资源。onsite的时候事情很少,讲一天的课,但是不会要求你做什么。按时参加就好。 10 2023-08-02 10:30:51
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date