Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Gurkan Suzer DBA Internship的课,老师很好,没有很多废话,按照要求写都会给满分,邮件回复比较慢,回复随缘。没有按照要求扣分有点狠(比如DQ 要求两个peer review,如果只写了一个的话,会给72/100),按照要求都是满分,还可以。 9 2023-08-22 01:11:07
DBA TECH 820 Business Intelligence & Information Technology online William Mcconnell 老师经常会讲完课就提前下课,上课不会硬性要求发言,也不要求开摄像头,偶尔会有一个in-class exercise算participation分数。作业虽然会给很多反馈,但是给分都比较高,老师也会看邮件,还不错。 10 2023-08-22 01:04:01
MBA ITPM 601 Project Leadership online George Blount 老师人很nice,不强制开摄像头,会有小组讨论,但不会强制点名,作业给分也不错,有什么疑问回复的也很快。 10 2023-08-21 02:53:48
MBA INT 512 online Cristhian Mancera Mejia discussion基本都是满分,大的essay期末之后才给分。估计是要给低分不让我们骚扰他吧 5 2023-08-19 19:47:13
MBA MGT 605 Managerial Decision Making online Cristhian Mancera Mejia 上课要开摄像头,基本上就是让你做presentation,作业批的很慢不知道评分标准是什么。除了作业特别多以外其他的还行。 7 2023-08-19 19:44:09
MBA BUS 540 Organizational Behavior online Roxann Goodman 老师要求很高,DQ必须有一个教材之外的peer reviewed reference,paper需要6个peer reviewed reference,上课需要开摄像头和互动,几乎每节课都有分组讨论,最后一节课要课上presentation ,倒数第二节课她会让你分成小组准备这个presentation。如果没有按她要求就会扣分,但都符合要求了给分很好。 5 2023-08-16 23:23:29
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics online Wayne Hollman 课上要开摄像头,会点人念ppt,不强制回答问题,会有小游戏,给分也很高。强推。 10 2023-08-15 02:13:06
MBA MKT 604 New Product Development & Launch online PeterMax Miller 老师人非常好 随和 讲课内容也比较高质量 每节课都需要小组讨论 给分都很高 email也回得及时 10 2023-08-15 01:19:17
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Dalia Hanna Tons of useless assignments and presentations. She is new here and she grades pretty low. 3 2023-08-14 15:05:08
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation online Ahmed Adeyemi Chilled and nice professor with a good educational background. Highly recommended. 10 2023-08-14 15:00:40
MS Computer Science MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Tricia Williams Chilled, nice, and considerate professor. Highly recommended. 10 2023-08-14 14:58:34
MS Information Technology CYB 603 Digital Forensics and Incident Response online Lance Caldwell Assignment feedback 超認真 上課不用開視頻 Grading follow rubric 只要跟著rubric寫 很容易高分 9 2023-08-14 14:58:12
DBA FIN 700 Financial Risk Management online Angel Rios The quality of the online classes is OK. I like the interaction and discussion part. However, I would appreciate more if Professor Rios can deliver more course related knowledges, not just letting students discuss, answer questions, or present. And I hope the assignments could be scheduled to the weeks without online classes. Otherwise in some weeks we have to complete 6 hours class, a discussion questions, two peer reviews plus a professional assignment, in the other weeks we just need to complete a discussion question and peer reviews. The school work is very uneven like this, especially hard for students also with professional lives. 6 2023-08-14 10:10:06
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation onsite Abraham Manase The instructor is Ahmed Adeyemi. I cannot find his name in the list. He is very severe. Not nice. 5 2023-08-13 09:52:50
MS Computer Science MIS 540 Management of Information Security online Chanda Ghose The instructor is Chad Hinder. I cannot find his name. He is good professor, nice and kind. 10 2023-08-13 09:49:21
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Dalia Hanna 这个老师请避雷。读了一年最烂的 1.首先给分很低,她给的unreasonable的低。打个比分,有同学没写in-text citation,她直接给0分。有时候给80分,原因只是因为一个project stakeholders没有specify到具体的人名(之类这样的理由)。 2.讲课也很烂 1 2023-08-13 03:01:45
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Latanya Gordon 老师很负责,但paper给分偏低 ,查ai查的很严,还是推荐避开吧 5 2023-08-12 08:50:12
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Geraldine Goodstone 每节课都会点名 go over class agenda & Syllabus 经常就耗掉半节课时间 课堂上每个人会有提前assigned好的问题来发言 时不时会有临时的group discussion然后发言 比较注重reference 和APA format. Group assignment 比较多 大概四个 选好组员对这节课的分很重要 虽然是很事儿很麻烦的老师 但是作业认真写了给分还是很高的 课堂回答只要有prepare也基本都是满分 6 2023-08-12 07:43:45
MS Information Technology MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Chris Zacher 教學認真,上課及作業也不會太嚴格。回復同學email也都很即時,好老師! 10 2023-08-12 07:10:11
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Seyed Ghoraishi Professor is very professional in marketing field and he is paient to illustrate the topic and encouraged student to be active 10 2023-08-12 06:47:23
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date