Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration ECO 5033 Micro & Macro Econ Decision Making online Christopher Markham 每周要写discussion, quiz, 和论文。作业了感觉有一点多,discussion每周四晚上第一个due,给同学的评论是周日晚上due,quiz网上大多数搜不到答案,chatgpt给的答案正确率有时候不是很高,论文只要格式对了一般都可以给满分。这个老师给的分数还可以,值得推荐。 9 2023-05-15 08:10:32
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization online Mayes Manya 作业量不大,老师给分很好,回复也很快。 10 2023-05-14 20:20:53
Master of Science in Business Analytics BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Nassar Beidoun 避雷!避雷!大家一定要避雷这个老师 给了好多人无理由的F 你要是问就是因为你抄袭 一节数学课查重查的比写作课还严 最离谱的是数学课!正确答案就应该是差不多啊!他还指着你的original data说你重复率高 这是题干啊!真的好无语 幸好大部分分数都是Cengage出他可发挥的空间不多 但还是非常糟心 大家都在CC他的manager argue中 onsite的时候他也是讲课讲了一整天非常累???? 大家一定要努力避开! 1 2023-05-02 23:28:25
Master of Business Administration GE 5113 New Prod Dev and Innovation Strategies online Khalil Gatlin 作业量不太大,给分只要认真写了就是满分 9 2023-04-28 12:51:06
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Tony Downs 教授人挺好,作业格式错了会提醒,不乱扣分,回邮件及时 10 2023-04-28 12:46:27
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods online Mark Griffin 老师回邮件很快,discussion写了就给分。这门课用cengage,作业量比较大,和老师没太大关系 9 2023-04-28 11:55:23
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Christina Waddell 还不错的老师,作业量正常,discussion按照要求写了都是满分。onsite做自我介绍,上课也挺轻松 9 2023-04-28 11:23:09
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Christina Waddell Overall course difficulty is low. Assignments are quizzes, discussion board and final project is a non-profit financial report analysis. She’s not strict about discussion board. She grades reasonably most of the time, she gives kinda random feedback on assignments. Pay attention to your final grade on myportal though, she reports a few students’ final grade incorrectly to the portal. She doesn’t reply to emails timely and does not allow email submissions if Moodle portal isn’t working. Otherwise, it should be an easy A 8 2023-04-28 11:07:19
Master of Science in Business Analytics BA 6933 Statistics and Quantitative Methods online Antonio Medina Sosa onsite那天很水,就是耗时间,onsite那天做游戏,给final➕15分,老师新来的,人很好。平时一周一个discussion 两个回复,到学期末老师都没判,然后就是每周的作业和quiz,比较浪费时间,但是全都可以搜到,三个作业,一个得搜2小时。考试也都可以搜到。整体不难,也不用自己学,就是要搜,比较浪费时间,但是花时间没啥问题。 8 2023-04-28 01:02:01
Master of Business Administration GE 5113 New Product Development and Innovation Strategies online Zeeshan Ahmed 这个课的老师人特别好,给分很松。一周一次discussion,两个回复,一般都是满分。4个case study, 读case 回答问题,之前Ai写的 都有90。考试就都可以搜到。 9 2023-04-28 00:57:20
Master of Business Administration ECO 5033 Micro & Macro Econ Decision Making onsite Moustafa Shahin Professor Shahin was professional on micro and macro economics. And he was a good teacher who gave you a good score for the homework. Keep in mind that he would look into your Turnitin report and ensure the rate is below 20%, otherwise this will impact his evaluation. But he was hard to communicate via email. 7 2023-04-26 01:38:51
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization onsite David Gunderman Very good! 10 2023-04-25 07:50:49
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization onsite David Gunderman Very good professor with clear guidance and relevant information! 10 2023-04-25 07:48:10
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5823 Financial Modeling online Dana Leland 教授人特别好,这课不需要买cengage,全是写的东西,重点是教授给分非常非常棒。 10 2023-04-24 11:03:47
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5023 Data Driven Decision Making online Kris Jamsa Professor Kris' expertise is very impressive, and he has published many books. In the course of the class, the teaching of knowledge is relatively clear and easy to understand, and pay more attention to the practical application of students, in the class will often have group contact and on-stage presentation. In the face of homework correction, he will respond to students' discussions in a timely manner in the forum and express his opinion and give guidance. 5 2023-04-18 01:52:27
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics online Clear schedule, reading plan, professor always available! I liked this class. Follow the homework, you will get a high score. 10 2023-04-14 07:04:52
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina-Sosa The teacher is responsive, the course is on Cengage and you’ll be able to figure out the solutions for the assignments and quizzes and exams so don’t worry, but the assignments cost some time tho. 10 2023-03-23 03:03:45
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina-Sosa The teacher is responsive, the course is on cengage and you’ll be able to figure out the solutions for the assignments and quizzes and exams so don’t worry, but the assignments cost some time tho 9 2023-03-22 12:33:36
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization onsite Tricia Hersel The class is pretty well organized, not too many homework and assignments 7 2023-03-20 08:30:22
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication onsite Thomas G. Pucci Overall, I found this course to be valuable and informative. The instructor provided clear expectations and feedback on assignments, and the course material was engaging and relevant to the subject matter. I appreciated the opportunity to learn from my classmates through group discussions and activities. However, I would like to express my concern about the instructor's use of a threatening and disrespectful tone in their communication with students. While I understand that mistakes and non-compliance with course requirements can be frustrating, it is not appropriate for an instructor to use threatening language or to intimidate students in order to motivate compliance. 6 2023-03-19 02:00:19
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date