Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MS Information Technology MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Chris Zacher 教學認真,上課及作業也不會太嚴格。回復同學email也都很即時,好老師! 10 2023-08-12 07:10:11
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Seyed Ghoraishi Professor is very professional in marketing field and he is paient to illustrate the topic and encouraged student to be active 10 2023-08-12 06:47:23
MBA BUS 505 Managerial Economics online Wayne Hollman 作业给分不错,上课需要开摄像头和读ppt。周末课不太提早下课,但会给时间让大家小组讨论期末作业。整体来说推荐 9 2023-08-12 05:35:51
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Yvan Nezerwe 这个老师挺好的,就是经常迟到不来上课,但是他解释是因为家里出事了,母亲在住院,就原谅他吧。上课不用开摄像头,上课了attendance就给满分,作业也比较松,迟交给他解释一下也可以给90+。快选!! 10 2023-08-12 00:35:32
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online John Hannon 老師人不錯,只要 follow 他的要求,打分還好。寫完作業真的有給你 review 和 suggestion. 上課一般是看 video, 有時有group discussion, 人很 nice. 10 2023-08-11 16:59:27
MS Information Technology MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Dalia Hanna Quality - Overall contents are decent. Homework load - Fair enough, follows school policy. Grading - Very strict on grading, make sure to follow closely to requirements. Also, make sure to check your score weekly. Have received a false accusation on late submission. Attendance - strict on it. Teaching style - decent, not much of comments 7 2023-08-11 14:04:05
MBA MGT 605 Managerial Decision Making onsite Cristhian Mancera Mejia Total is okay. You have to stay with him during class period. Homework seems okay. Not too much workload, but you need to do homework. Grade is fair. 8 2023-08-11 11:02:17
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online SiljeU.Deuerlein 这个老师事特别多,不能复制太多的网络文章,不能用一点AI,Turtin查出来的就算是AI,会给零分,但商量过后会重新给分或者让你重新写,反正很麻烦的一位老师。课堂上总是要小组讨论 5 2023-08-11 05:50:54
MBA MKT 604 New Product Development & Launch online Amarjit Singh 别选 快跑 1 2023-08-11 04:23:14
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Shaun Spath 我很怀疑WU为什么会选择雇佣这样的老师。他感觉就是那种人生不顺拿学生作业出气的loser. 根本不知道他的expectation在哪里,基本给分都是65-70 out of 100. 我要是能给负分就好了。 1 2023-08-11 03:25:45
MBA MKT 604 New Product Development & Launch online Amarjit Singh 千万别上 避雷 1 2023-08-11 03:21:40
MS Information Technology CLD 602 AWS and Azure online Domingo Genao 老师给分很高,上课内容也讲得很精炼很快,作业批改也及时。 8 2023-08-10 23:26:03
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online David Johnson 大大大避雷,老师事特别多,分数给的巨低!根本不在乎你的选题是什么,给所有人的评价都是你这个不对,我看不到任何的研究意义…写研究计划不能出现第一人称,所有的评论只会贬低。 1 2023-08-10 23:11:43
MS Computer Science MIS 540 Management of Information Security online Sourabh Aggarwal 很好的老师,周六本来一天的课基本上两个小时搞定,作业少,给分高 10 2023-08-10 10:50:18
MS Computer Science DATA 610 Database Design and Management online Richard Livingood Angel 10 2023-08-10 10:47:48
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Yvan Nezerwe 给分给得很慢,但是比较大方出勤出了DQ写了就是100,大作业差不多90+。上课比较水,基本就是读ppt然后看视频写summary,或者读ppt+小组讨论。经常上课因为个人急事放同学鸽子。 8 2023-08-10 08:00:56
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Efthemia Papadopoulos 讲课时常沉浸在自己的世界里,不怎么能懂大家的话。很在意查重和ai分数,上课比较水(分配时间一对一或者看视频写summary这种)。大作业要求去writing center改了再交,人还不错,有需要晚交的时候会灵活处理。给分还不错,DQ认真写了就是100,其他基本都是90+。 8 2023-08-10 07:56:45
MBA MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Ali Asadi 要开摄像头,作业给分还可以。比较水 7 2023-08-10 07:34:09
MBA LDR 603 Leading Across Boundaries online Eugene Fields Good professor 8 2023-08-10 07:30:15
MBA BUS 535 Managerial Accounting online Kambiz Moghaddam 整体还好,上课要开摄像头,作业给分还行,但是出分比较慢。会擅自改上课时间,并且没有协商的余地 6 2023-08-10 07:07:49
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date