Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Peter Sebhatu 老師非常rude,時常打斷別人發言,自我感覺良好。上課需要全程開鏡頭,需要參與討論。作業給分還可以,DQ基本90+,PA, CLA 80+。 3 2023-08-10 07:02:37
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Mohammad Sharifzadeh 这个老师挺好的 给分可以 也好说话 有时候讨论结束会超时一点 总体很推荐 10 2023-08-10 06:46:49
MBA CLD 600 Virtualization and Storage online Brian Williams 不强制开摄像头,教授会讲课1个多小时,然后后面时间小组讨论再回去演讲,每个人都要讲,讲的时候要开摄像头但是一人只要讲1-2分钟就行。打分很好,推荐。 10 2023-08-10 06:42:19
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Yvan Nezerwe 如果遇到了,请不要错过。这是一个需要写很多小作文的课,所以教授给了学生更多的时间。上课看看录像之类的。我觉得也挺好。给分松。 8 2023-08-10 06:36:19
MS Information Technology MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology online Julie Bonner The professor is pretty chill. The amount of workload is moderate. I'd recommend taking her classes. 10 2023-08-10 06:22:34
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Gurkan Suzer The grading from the prof is great. But the the class always contains 2 group discussions. Each discussion 20min and then presenting the discussion result 20min. Then the class came to an end. I have to say I do not like this format at all, boring and endless discussions. But at least the teacher gave really good grades. 8 2023-08-10 06:15:48
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Roxann Goodman 老师不错,改作业不严 8 2023-08-10 05:42:38
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management onsite Chris Zacher 作业少 给分都是100% 10 2023-08-10 05:41:35
MBA CAP 600 Applied Methods Capstone online Kevin Bilberry 老師人很好,給分高,不錯的 10 2023-08-10 05:41:20
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation online Hamed Taherdoost 上课点名,要求发言时开摄像头,要把上课presentation的slides传到VCS算attendance。作业相对比较少,很少有同时写discussion和APA-format paper的情况,给分还比较严,但不太会给反馈 8 2023-08-10 05:28:09
MBA BUS 550 Financial Management online Victor Abraham Please AOVID this professor. He lower-grade any modules, from participation , DQ and assignments. He will blame you because of the technical issues and give you 0 for assignment, and is not responidng emails regaridng re-grade. He graded the participation only based on breakout room activity, even if a small mistake in calculation he will deduct many points (Participation should be easy points to earn but he makes it hard). He asks you to read the slides as well. 1 2023-08-10 05:23:13
MS Engineering Management MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Chris Zacher 老师作业给分很好。上课会随机提问 10 2023-08-10 05:22:01
DBA RES 703 Doctoral Literature Review online Shaun Spath 我平时不爱写review但这位教授真的值得我花点时间好好评价。1. 第一节课上课的时候告诉我们,“我不喜欢pass students”。哦所以全班F可能是他最喜欢的事。2. 第一节课要求我们每个人写literature review不能少于30页,8周的课,要求我们每周精读10篇文章然后synthesis。嗯敢情是我们都别上班了。3.这位教授上课讲东西讲不清楚,解释作业要求也磨磨唧唧扯半天,动不动就“你们太菜了,你们进度太慢了,不知道你们以前的教授怎么pass的你们,我以前也这样我可厉害了我都扛过来了”这种pua话术。4.作业动辄40,50分,argue?不存在的,他就是对的你就只能拿这个分。反正总结两个字,快跑。跑就对了。和他比起来David Johnson都是天使的程度。 1 2023-07-29 10:27:54
DBA ECO 700 Business in a Global Economy online Eduardo Haynes 上课需要适当参与,但是绝对属于可以接受的范围。作业交了就行,懂得都懂。最后一节周末的大课甚至20分钟就结束了,还有理由不打满分和选他吗?! 10 2023-07-28 10:03:55
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Sara Howe Looks like the same person who is unhappy about their grade keeps posting reviews. Strange that all my other class members love her, but there is one person who does not pay attention in class and is very mad about the way she grades. If you want a good grade, all you have to do is pay attention in class and do the work. No one else is complaining because they listen in class. Other professors let us swim in classes because they don't care and they will just give you a pass without even reading your papers. This professor is actually someone who wants to help. Most of us appreciate that she doesn't just drone on lecturing off a PowerPoint and also like that she gives real world examples and uses real world experience. Her classes are for people who want to be proud of what they have accomplished. It looks like the one person who does nothing in class is mad that they can't get a free pass and keeps leaving fake reviews. Try doing the work and paying attention like the rest of us. 9 2023-07-18 06:10:58
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Sara Howe 非常无语,避雷!这个老师经常严重拖堂,上课闲聊天让同学分享也不讲课,没有ppt,给分很低,而且有很多附加要求。即便认真完成作业,也会因为按心情给分。评语都是copy and paste ,很多同学都是一样的评语,这让人感觉到很不被尊重。作业分数低且很多同学的评语都是一模一样的“回去看上课视频”,作为学生会去找老师给个说法,这个老师在课上原话:我不会更改任何分数。需要老师的意义就在于帮助学生变成更好的人,如果没有一个合理说法和解释,或重新调整分数都不可能,那为什么需要这个老师?都快期末了,用一整趟课讲她上课的规矩,这难道不是上课第一天需要讲的吗?课程末了的时候,拖堂讲第二天要due的大作业要求,而且要求和syllabus完全不一样的结构,问她给一个example 也给不出来。 令人不适,希望学校能招一点正常人当“professor” 1 2023-07-18 05:52:50
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Shaun Spath 会查AI detection,高的话直接20-30分。不是很推荐。 1 2023-07-17 11:36:07
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Sara Howe 有史以来让人最无语的老师。上课没有PPT,随意讲一堆东西。参加课程还要再交class note。在教学大纲的基础上随意加量,没有明确要求。作业明明要求2-3页,按她说的没有十几页根本完不成。问她问题,答案也非常不清楚。打分及其低且评语模棱两可。说话让人感觉非常不适,明明是她没有讲明白,还要怪学生没听清楚。学不到东西,还可能挂科。她的课自能自求多福,还是绕道而行吧。 1 2023-07-15 02:06:48
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Sara Howe 打分极其无语,避雷。 1 2023-07-13 11:05:39
MS Engineering Management TEM 610 Information Systems Engineering online Monte Black 无DQ,Assignment是比较短的paper加slides这种形式的所以作业量适中。打分比较宽松,基本按照要求完成不低于93 9 2023-07-11 07:04:24
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date