Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I onsite Sara Howe 给分及其低而且不稳定。有时心情不好会给到10/100,迟到五分钟会一半的分。对作业和课堂小总结的要求也是很模糊,口头表达,无正式文件,需要specify的时候不会得到任何有用信息,但是她会建议重新看一遍两小时的视频。说话让人感觉很不适,有时会讽刺你,例如说你没有注意听讲导致才导致漏掉了某个知识点,就是很不舒服的阴阳怪气。而且讲课内容水、但是打分一点都不水。极其不推荐选她的课。 1 2023-07-11 06:16:39
MBA BUS 535 Managerial Accounting online Victor Abraham 给分极低,而且没法商量,很不好说话的老师。 1 2023-07-11 05:35:45
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Mohammad Sharifzadeh The most boring class I have ever had in my life. There's no teaching, meaning no clear progression and explanations whatsoever, but only repetitively asking "what is xxx" and then answering them himself. Also, it's so hilariously genious for the university to squeeze two RES courses into one semester even one session. You'll find yourself doing exactly identical assignments over and over again. 1 2023-07-11 00:42:48
MBA CLD 600 Virtualization and Storage online Moice Dixon For one of the four live class sessions, the professor canceled the class literally less than one hour before the class without legit reason. The professor never replied any of my email regarding late or missing grading. The professor did not grade any of the attendance until one and half weeks after the last week of the class. All of the classes are missing participation points and we and still trying to figure it out with the school officials regarding how to solve the issue. Avoid this professor at all cost. 1 2023-07-07 07:40:55
DBA RES 703 Doctoral Literature Review online Shaun Spath 只有两个字 快逃 1 2023-07-01 02:17:55
MBA MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Amin Al Baroudi 老师给分比较松, 喜欢所有课程结束后一起批所有的作业,对分数不满意可以和他沟通。但是上课要求比较多,经常要回答问题,share你的屏幕什么的,但是老师比较好说话,愿意沟通。 9 2023-06-30 00:21:40
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation online Ahmed Adeyemi Nice and interesting! 10 2023-06-29 08:03:00
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Joshua Cain 成绩虽然不错 但是过程比较痛苦 9 2023-06-29 05:56:13
MS Computer Science MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Tricia Williams Easy course, grade all A 10 2023-06-28 13:07:10
MBA ITM 640 Issues in Business and IT online Michael MacLeod 教授对APA格式很严,很容易漏打分并且发邮件找不到人,每节课小组讨论一小时做PPT,然后回到课堂每个人都要发言演讲.唯一最大优点是不用开摄像头 8 2023-06-28 07:31:53
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online George Blount 上课不用开摄像头,给分也还行 10 2023-06-28 06:05:16
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Roxann Goodman The quality of this class is ok. Weekly homework load is decent. However the professor never grade homework on time and she will never reply your emails. This is kinda frustrating. 6 2023-06-28 00:58:52
DBA BUS 505 Managerial Economics online Ejiro Osiobe 令人不适 希望学校能招一点正常人当“professor” 1 2023-06-27 10:33:35
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Seyed Ghoraishi 经常提前下课 给分比较好 回复邮件比较及时。 10 2023-06-27 10:27:55
MBA BUS 535 Managerial Accounting online Nima Salami Super responsible, clear on assignment and requirements. Good grading. 10 2023-06-27 10:04:00
MBA MGT 500 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Orlando Rivero Not a decent professor. Not taking his class seriously. Not able to systematically explain the course content, not consistent and transparent for assignment and rating. Hard to communicate with. 1 2023-06-27 10:02:44
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Joy Karavedas 作業:每週一個討論,很快速。回答幾個問題可能跟課本有相關也可能跟自身相關。每兩週一個4-6頁的paper,需要找資料,我自己大概花半天到一天時間做。 上課方式:線上,需開鏡頭,大概會有1-2個breakout room discussion。主動分享與發言會加分。 整體來說我覺得老師算不錯,作業規範很清楚,每兩週一個paper雖然有點多但我覺得不難,上課中只要有回答一兩個問題,作業有按造規範交就可以。 9 2023-06-27 09:56:21
MBA LDR 602 Strategy and Innovation online Egypt Grandison 老师很好 没啥毛病 不用开摄像头 不强制发言但是特别鼓励大家发言 9 2023-06-27 07:05:20
MBA FIN 606 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management online Mark Kjellander 还算可以. 作业量适中. 好好做基本都给高分. 上课前半部分讲些概念. 几乎每节课都会给很长的group discussion时间然后每组present (基本都是选股票) 或者要做个人的presentation(基本是报告一下自己的investment结果). 因为要轮流讲所以基本每节课都有点拖堂. citation没有太严格. 人挺和善的. 8 2023-06-26 12:59:25
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics online Victor Abraham So annoying and missed the final grade correction time, leading to half of the class wrong grade. 2 2023-06-26 06:36:13
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date