Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication onsite Brown Chaera The class is well designed in its structure and content. The homework load is relative reasonable. Onsite class was intriguing and interesting. If more instruction on assignment and the expected deliverable will be helpful. 9 2024-06-05 07:05:31
Master of Science in Engineering Management GE 5213 Total Quality Management online Anas Bayan The quality of this class: Top rated Homework load: Balanced Classroom discipline: Stricted Attendance requirements: Very Stricted Professor’s teaching style: Fun and interesting General evaluation: I really enjoyed this class since it taught me a lot on Total Quanlity Management (TQM). TQM class covers essential principles and tools for improving processes and customer satisfaction, including Six Sigma and the PDCA cycle. Through practical examples and a flexible online format, students learn to implement effective quality management practices in real-world settings. 8 2024-05-31 02:57:22
Master of Business Administration GE 5103 Project Management onsite Debra Langdon 老师很nice,online的quiz和discussion都挺简单的,会查重和查AI,正常按她要求写给分也挺高,上课基本没压力,onsite要做一个简单的presentation,是extra credits,推荐。 10 2024-05-30 01:48:18
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5803 Information Studies Capstone online Peter Haas Professor is very chill and gives good grades. 10 2024-05-22 06:35:49
Master of Science in Information Studies INF 503 Advanced Database online Rena Roundtree 很好的老师,online课程写了的都给满分 10 2024-05-22 05:41:58
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data onsite Muhammad shaikh onsite内容很多,要presentation,要提交评价,要登陆teams签到,要做online的quiz(虽然不记分)。 平时作业完全不看对错就直接给所有人打一样的分数,discussion基本就是20/25,assignment基本85%-90%左右,扣分理由是coding的作业没有用apa style。跟他发邮件问为什么coding要apa,他说学校要求的。然而就算在作业里加了apa,仍然是一样的扣分。这个老师巨雷。 1 2024-05-22 05:38:17
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance online Mairy Alim Homework load is heavy, but grading is pretty good, don't use AI, school will detect, be honest with your work. 8 2024-05-22 05:37:41
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Jamie Norton Worst prof ever and she will screw you. Everyone I asked gets C or D for their homework. Jamie will make this class unnecessarily difficult for you, just avoid her. 1 2024-05-20 23:06:38
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5003 Operations Analytics onsite Hassan N. Taleb 老师非常Nice, 但是对于APA要求比较严, 差一点不行,这课作业有8个dis 6个writing assignment, 6个 case paper每个4-6页,一个15页的final assignment,作业量不算小。 7 2024-05-17 10:24:49
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics onsite Dina Samora Great professor. Very involved and responds to emails quickly. The on-site class was fun, the workload was fun, and graded fairly. Very strict on APA and citation format. 8 2024-05-17 03:15:18
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics onsite Dina Samora Great professor, very involved, and responded to emails quickly. The on-site class was fun, work load was fine, graded fairly. Very strict on the APA and citation format. 9 2024-05-17 03:09:40
Master of Science in Business Analytics BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio medina Ok 作業多 7 2024-05-15 05:37:53
Master of Science in Information Studies BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Joshua Lizardi 这是我的倒数第二个学期, 这位老师是到目前为止遇到的比较不靠谱老师当中的一个. 每周的讨论给分情况不能说给分低, 但是很难拿满分, 总是扣掉一些分数. 每周Assignment只给一次机会, Quiz只给两次机会, 这意味你要花成倍的时间和金钱, 去搜索相关的资料, 来尽量在有限的尝试机会里保证正确率. 这门课作业量巨大, 如果不是每天花两小时, 那周末是没法完成所有作业的. 这课需要买Cengage课程, 需要100多刀. 另外, 让人郁闷的是正是参考了2022年, 这里的同学对这位老师“10分”评价, 我才选了这位老师, 真是让人遗憾! 6 2024-05-10 05:33:07
Master of Business Administration ECO 5033 Micro & Macro Econ Decision Making online Aimee Basye 这个教授很好,回邮件特别快,给分高,只要按她的要求写的作业都会尽量给满分。还照顾西海岸的同学调整的Due time。非常推荐! 10 2024-05-08 10:12:56
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Habib Abou Chehade 老师人很好,discussion给分很高。 10 2024-05-08 05:58:19
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Habib Abou Chehade 老师人很好,discussion给分很高。 10 2024-05-08 05:53:24
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5803 Information Studies Capstone onsite Brandon McIver The professor's grading is generous, but his gradings will sometimes come very late. the course has a lot of different kinds of assignments, from written essays, to excel worksheet, to UI mockups, I would say the workload is medium. 8 2024-05-07 12:07:26
Master of Science in Information Studies GE 5103 Project Management online Gordon Cooper Professor's grading is generous and prompt. the course requires four written essays with no word limit. other assignments are straightforward. 8 2024-05-07 12:04:01
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization online Shaema Talib Grading is reasonable and not picky, the professor is also prompt at grading and feedback. the course workload is manageable, but still requires some efforts. 8 2024-05-07 12:01:25
Master of Science in Information Studies FIN 5203 Finance for Engineers onsite Maria Khater The professor is great, her gradings are forgiving and not harsh. but the course materials might be a bit difficult if you do not read the required readings. however, you can still manage to pass. 8 2024-05-07 11:55:15
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date