Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA BUS 720 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Seyed Ghoraishi 上课基本没课件,需要开摄像头,老师经常迟到,但是管理宽松,作业给分也宽松 8 2023-04-21 06:28:35
DBA RES 711 Research Methods I online Moe Saouli 老师很nice,上课基本能讲完100分钟,比较少课堂提问,但有时候会cold call,按时完成作业一般能高分 9 2023-04-19 09:43:34
DBA RES 711 Research Methods I online Moe Saouli 老师很nice,上课基本能讲完100分钟,比较少课堂提问,但有时候会cold call,按时完成作业一般能高分 9 2023-04-19 09:43:34
MS Computer Science MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology online Fadi Batarseh I can't find the professor name which is tarikiles. He is so awful. 1 2023-04-18 22:44:48
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Oludotun Oni Good teacher. High scores. 9 2023-04-18 22:36:02
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Geraldine Goodstone 作业少,给分宽松,强推 10 2023-04-18 09:45:15
MS Engineering Management MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Tricia Williams 天使老师,给分特别好,只要按时交作业就行 10 2023-04-18 09:32:02
MBA MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Julie Bonner 很好的老师,给分也很好。上课需要回答问题才可以拿满participation分。 10 2023-04-18 08:46:15
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Jumelle Brooks 老师人很好,给分高,但是课堂需要互动,作业很多!一周高达两个dq,两人peer reviews / dq, 再加一个paper…. 9 2023-04-18 06:24:07
DBA ECO 700 Business in a Global Economy onsite Mark Kjellander 超级好的教授!!经常早下课,如果你有事情无法上课提前打招呼就行,作业没办法按时写记得提前打招呼,可以晚交不扣分,人也挺幽默。他老婆也在这里教书!但是她老婆不咋地,课非常难!(配不上配不上) 10 2023-04-18 05:52:22
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Shirley Chuo 非常好的教授,不算严格,比较水的哈。选他! 10 2023-04-18 05:48:27
MS Information Technology MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Sandra Jolley I will recommend students never take this professor’s class. This professor doesn’t respect student’s work. I did a paper for about 3hr and because of spa format I only got 70%. No matter how well you write this paper, she will find some problem and deduct your point! This class will take you extra time and learn nothing. Waste of time and waste of money! 1 2023-04-18 05:22:06
MBA MGT 500 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Xi Bai 老师很好 上课也很轻松愉快 作业按要求写给分很高 10 2023-04-18 04:19:00
DBA LDR 800 Building Positive Relationships in a Multigenerational Workforce online Sara Howe 千万避雷!!!比syllabus多了很多隐性要求,DQ打分都低于70,沟通无效后选择和program chair交流才避免挂掉 1 2023-04-18 03:37:13
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior onsite Donna Dimatteo-Gibson 老师人不错,给分一般,经常会提前下课,但是经常会要求小组讨论,并要求发言。 8 2023-04-18 02:36:53
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management online Oludotun Oni It was overall pretty good. 10 2023-04-18 02:03:56
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Dale Dan 整体给分都很高 但是对于citation的要求比较高 都按照要求写DQ 都会是满分 9 2023-04-18 01:59:23
MBA MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Ebony Mason 非常好,灵活性大,给分高,好说话。只要认真写作业就没问题。 10 2023-04-18 01:56:07
MBA BUS 612 Market Research online Nicholas Metcalfe 教授人非常好 很随和 上课不需要开摄像头 给分都是满分 天使老师! 10 2023-04-18 01:53:23
MS Information Technology MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology online Domingo Genao Weekly discussion post but no in-text citations required. Four assignments and a one final group project and group presentation at the end of the semester. Easy to pass. 10 2023-04-18 01:49:23
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date