Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Others 其他 TSL 502 online Mary Allegra The quality of class is great. Lots of homework though. It requires attendance and participation every time. She will ask questions or separate into groups for answers questions. But the professor is flexible about the late or updated homework. 8 2023-04-18 01:32:45
DBA RES 721 Doctoral Prospectus online Schahrzade Rezvani 老师比较和蔼可亲,上课会放视频15%,有案例学习(需要讨论发言)大概15%,讲课70%,按时交作业的话分数给得相对松 8 2023-04-18 01:21:09
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Tonya Cannon 垃圾中的战斗机,作业量巨大,给分平均70,且不给feedback 1 2023-04-17 12:30:32
MBA MGT 500 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Gurkan Suzer 需要开摄像头上课 作业很容易拿分 9 2023-04-17 08:23:29
MBA INT 500 online Tonya Cannon 老师严格名不虚传 但是发邮件回邮件及时。 对citation要求极其严格。 成绩还算可以 7 2023-04-16 02:29:04
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Stephanie Dunston 老师很随和 online不要求开摄像头 发邮件老师回复也很及时。给作业只要按要求分就不低 我认真按要求写了 没低过95% 10 2023-04-16 02:20:33
MS Computer Science MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Sandra Jolley Terrible teacher. Not recommend. 1 2023-04-15 14:05:27
MBA MGT 500 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Timothy Kyle 一学期就没上过课,每次都找别人代课,最后只出现了八分钟。我觉得很坑的原因是但凡作业出了什么问题这老师完全找不到人,我的engage week summary submit错了地方他说他会帮我改成绩,一个作业晚交了他说会帮我加成绩,我还专门和他在课结束以后确认了。最后无事发生,直接消失。如果没事的话这老师也可以碰碰运气,如果但凡有点什么问题需要他解决,就只能自求多福了。 2 2023-04-14 12:57:22
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Jumelle Brooks 老师人很好很负责,除了作业有点多其他都很完美,上课会要求互动但是讲课并不无聊,作业按要求写给分也很不错。 8 2023-04-14 12:53:47
MS Information Technology MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation online Patricia Shaffer Her class is easy and no camera on required. Good on grades as well 10 2023-04-14 11:31:51
DBA MGT 700 Managing People and Organizations online Fahd Jamil 作业给分极低,只给几十分的老师第一次见。participation从来不给满分,发言n次 也只给90/85分,不知道什么意思,整个一离谱 1 2023-04-14 10:26:57
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Schahrzade Rezvani 很好的老师!给分高!课上不点名发言,气氛轻松 10 2023-04-14 10:16:02
MBA MKT 602 Market Research online Nicholas Metcalfe 推荐,课上不强制开摄像头,给分超级松。 10 2023-04-14 04:04:59
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Nadya Patrick not easy to get the score(homework and attendence), and lots of discussion during class. Needs to speak in every class 1 2023-04-13 23:46:05
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online sonny h. lots of assignment (paper, recording) and presentation 2 2023-04-13 23:39:24
MS Computer Science MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Farhad Malek Asghar 整体感觉很正常,没有很松也没有很严,有些作业是需要操作软件的所以要稍微花些心思,反正是可以放心选的课 9 2023-04-13 01:29:34
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Fathiah Inserto assignment, grades are fair 9 2023-04-13 01:25:28
MBA BUS 535 Managerial Accounting online Shaun Spath 慎选,评分巨低 1 2023-04-12 15:15:28
MBA BUS 505 Managerial Economics online Nima Salami 老师人很幽默,但是作业非常多,discussion initional post和回人都有字数要求 7 2023-04-12 15:02:54
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Ali Asadi 给分全是100分 10 2023-04-12 14:02:14
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date