Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics online Nima Salami 课讲的比较简单,作业难度中等,作业量多,DQ要求300字以上,QR要求2个,每个至少150字,Assignment、PA等都会比syllabus多要求一页,但是给分比较慷慨,一般就看是否符合他的格式要求,上课比较轻松,自愿回答问题。 7 2023-04-12 13:57:48
DBA BUS 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation online Dale Dan 上課沒冷場,打分較鬆,準時交有 reference 一盤都給滿分 10 2023-04-12 12:15:58
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Schahrzade Rezvani 老师很认真。虽然上课内容一般般 但是人很好 作业认真写就行 不会任意低分 9 2023-04-12 12:01:25
DBA RES 721 Doctoral Prospectus online David Johnson 课本身挺多事比较难,老师话挺多的也会点人回答问题,对作业要求也比较严格,但总体来说还算是reasonable打分的老师。 7 2023-04-12 10:26:14
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Rojelio (Roy) Vasquez Professor generally gives students full credit once you attend the class. Requires 2 peer responses for weekly DQ. If you only submit 1 peer response, at least 10 points will be deducted. Professor tends to be very restrict towards academic paper. Hard to tell his standards. Sometimes, he requires both visual representation and an academic writing for a paper. Even for his infographic homework, although a paper is not required, a lot of points will be deducted if you do not write one. Certainly, he requires students to write a paper for the infographic, but he did not mention such thing in the GAP homework requirement. 7 2023-04-12 10:00:00
MS Computer Science MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Farhad Malek Asghar 基本每周都有dq+assignment 不过老师打分很松 很好说话 上课需要回答问题才会满分 不然是90% 总体而言还????️ 9 2023-04-12 09:50:25
MS Computer Science MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology onsite Elizabeth Crow 避雷避雷避雷 1 2023-04-10 05:22:16
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Geraldine Goodstone 作业特别多,要求特别高,打分非常严苛,自己还特别不认真负责,上课说不来就不来,临时让别的老师顶班,全面集齐了一个老师可以具备的缺点 1 2023-04-04 12:55:48
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Tonya Cannon 基本上不回邮件,打分超低,一班均分C,没几个B,每两周都要写一个7页的APA格式的论文 1 2023-04-01 07:43:27
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Seyed Ghoraishi Generous in grading, just make sure you submit all work on time. Online lecture involves lots of discussion and usually you can get out of class approximately 30 mins early. 10 2023-03-31 15:29:30
MBA BUS 317 Introduction to Business Law online Nyra Elsayess 作业好难… 6 2023-03-25 08:00:07
MBA BUS 500 Organizational Leadership online Roxann Goodman 她还挺chill的 不会强制要求participation 作业略多 9 2023-03-25 07:54:16
MS Computer Science MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology online Mike Moifolley 不要选。这个教授性格比较偏执,而且并不懂学术写作,随意理解grading rubric而且不听任何feedback。给分数奇低而且作业奇多。基本每周都有paper,上传slide还要求配视频录像。前两周gap里邮箱都是错的,无法联系上。之后也不给同学改成他要求的标准的机会(他的要求和一般人不一样。 1 2023-03-23 12:05:36
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics online Victor Abraham 周末上课,一般连着从9am上到2pm不休息,上课基本就是轮流念PPT,以及非常多的breakout room session,完后每个小组present,上课比较消耗精力。 作业量及要求多,每周1-2个DQ,每个DQ要2个peer response,不符合教授要求的话打分就比较低,完全按着他要求写打分就还行。CLA2 project是小组完成,还可以。 综合来讲,前几周的适应期非常影响心理健康,后期大概掌握了教授要求勉强可以接受。 6 2023-03-02 11:34:07
MS Information Technology MSIT 611 Wireless & Mobile Systems online William Mcconnell 评分不松,每堂课有课上作业,但上课还算轻松,论文给分一般 6 2023-03-01 10:56:18
DBA FIN 700 Financial Risk Management online Wayne Hollman 打分和上课都很正常,课程有一点难,教的不是那么清楚,但老师人挺好的。 9 2023-03-01 10:42:32
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Seyed Ghoraishi Very good! Highly recommended 9 2023-03-01 09:55:56
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Seyed Ghoraishi 每堂课必点名,很重要。开不开摄像头也会看,上课方式有点照本宣科,但是给分很高。 8 2023-03-01 04:09:58
MBA MGT 500 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Timothy Kyle 虽然一学期四节课 最后一节课才见到教授 但是这个教授真的超好 十分钟下课 给分还高!强推! 10 2023-02-27 13:23:26
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Kenneth Morrell 每两周上一次课,一般周六从上午9点到下午三点PST,上课会让学生做Presentation 和非强制性问答。DQ和essay给分都比较宽松。总体来说教授人非常nice。作业过了两周也允许补交,算75%的分。 10 2023-02-26 03:08:25
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date