Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MS Computer Science MIS 540 Management of Information Security online Tricia Williams 天使老师,所有作业都没有due,只要在期末之前交上就可以,给分也特别宽松 10 2023-02-23 04:17:02
MBA BUS 500 Organizational Leadership online Cynthia Azari 天使老师!! 对学生很好 喜欢跟学生互动 给分也很高 讲课的态度也很好 missed的课还提醒我们交VCS 补分给我们 有时候会提前下课 10分的老师! 10 2023-02-22 02:48:11
MBA RES 600 Business Research Methodology online Sara Howe 如果想水过的话千万不要选她。。。能感觉到老师很有学识有想法,但是她要求很高给分很低。Paper如果只是按照gap的要求写的话只能拿B/C,想要拿高分必须要加上很多额外的内容和自己的想法,关键她还不说作业具体有什么要求。上课讨论的内容还算有意思但是和reserach methodology不怎么沾边,写作业全靠自学。周六上课6小时不按时午休而且午饭只给半个小时,总之分到她的课能跑就跑吧 1 2023-02-18 06:44:43
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Symone Starr Parker He was my INT professor. For some reason, he never replies to my email. I tried to email him three times but never got feedback. DQ was always graded very low. But fortunately, in the final grade, I could pass. 6 2023-02-17 10:42:43
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership online Steven Owlett 快跑!!!!! 纯纯大傻逼,一周两个discussion加一个4-6页paper。分给的奇低无比必须给你扣几分才满意。课前甚至发announcement要求学生预习两个。and上课四分之三点五都是学生自己在讲,分小组讨论然后每组发言。提问怎么才能让学校把这个老头开除啊????如果你想每天8小时上班8小时写他的逼作业就上他的课 1 2023-01-31 09:14:34
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics online Sima Siami Namini The instructors name is Sima Siami Namini. I cannot find her name in the last session. This is the worst experience I have ever had in Westcliff. She even cannot speak a whole sentence in English and does not understand students questions. It is a painful experience to communicate with her. And her only rubic for grading your similarity instead of reading your answer carefully, even though your similairy caused by the question itself. Worst Professor ever. I cannot find her name so that I just randomly picked one Professor in order to do the submmison. 1 2023-01-23 14:33:22
DBA INT 710 online Symone Starr Parker 这个教授也不知道是怎么回事,每周DQ我都有努力写,可是就是每次都低于90分,邮件不回,我好担心因为这个intern的课程挂掉。 5 2023-01-22 02:42:44
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Joseph Rice 垃圾 不回邮件不回信息 根本没办法沟通 想给负分 1 2023-01-13 10:05:36
MBA BUS 606 Descriptive Statistical Inference for Business online John Hannon Challenging homework if no stats background 5 2023-01-12 00:24:39
MBA MSEM 530 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Allen Jordan 推荐。 上课回答问题就是满分。老师上课不混,对提问都回答的认真。 老师人也好说话,作业也好写。 10 2023-01-12 00:12:21
MBA BUS 500 Organizational Leadership online Steven Owlett 碰到就赶紧换课。这老头上课啥也不干,都让学生自己讲。拖堂。出勤了还给你记缺勤。 作业要求也一点说不清,打分的时候告诉你要着要那。没有rubric。 给分巨低。 千万别来,天坑。 1 2023-01-12 00:08:15
DBA BUS 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation online David Johnson 对作业格式有高度关注,第一二次作业有容忍度,后面不改指数式扣分,要求相对严格,每周workload不低 6 2023-01-11 06:01:04
DBA BUS 505 Managerial Economics online Nima Salami 上课提问多 作业打分一般 总体不推荐 5 2023-01-11 05:43:20
MBA LDR 500 organizational leadership online Peter Sebhatu High interaction with the professor and classmates. Clear instructions and friendly communication. 8 2023-01-11 05:29:40
MBA INT 574 Graduate Internship (MS) online Javad Shakib 只要準時提交討論基本上都是滿分 9 2023-01-06 10:44:42
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online Gregory Smith 只要準時交作業跟出席分數都會給滿分,上課會抽點同學回答問題並要求開視頻 9 2023-01-06 10:38:27
DBA FIN700 Financial Risk Management online Yvan Nezerwe 看到就选 不要犹豫 10 2023-01-05 11:27:11
DBA BUS 720 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Rojelio (Roy) Vasquez 教授人很好 给分也很棒 上课有时候会叫回答问题 10 2023-01-05 11:25:18
MBA MIS 500 Managing Information Systems & Technology online Julie Bonner Her class was really easy, but you need to participate during the class to get full credit. 9 2023-01-04 05:52:05
MS Information Technology MSCS 600 Software Quality Metrics online Julie Bonner 只要每节课发言作业写了就可以拿A 10 2023-01-04 05:12:46
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date