Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MBA online David Johnson Although my writing ability is not good at all, the professor's just gave the score with 30/100. NOT recommend this professor. 1 2022-10-05 04:54:59
MBA BUS 525 Strategic Management in a Globalized Economy online Chee Piong 啥都不懂的老师上课就爱给你讲Policy, rubric, format。真的是狗屁不通也不教,6个小时 就纯纯带着你看他的rubric和教你APA。 评分也是对内容不管不问,就是抠你格式,给分超低。不知道的还以为APA7是他发明的。我真是醉了。以后不希望看到这个人了 1 2022-10-04 23:02:43
MS Computer Science MSCS 601 Principles of Data Management online Ghani Zahid 完全没有情理的老师,上课靠读ppt,学不到任何东西。纯粹想混分也不能,晚交一分钟作业按late算,assignment不给extension,给分没理由的严。 1 2022-10-04 09:55:55
DBA MGT700 Managing People and Organizations online Fahd Jamil 专业水平这么差也敢来teaching? 嘛都不知道:不知道啥是diversity,不知道啥是situational,不知道啥是case. 这学校水平就够差了,Jamil又拉低下限。又是中东家长式authoritarian,强迫你向他低头。选课避雷所有中东裔,seriously. 1 2022-10-04 01:27:13
MBA BUS 317 Introduction to Business Law online Christy Mcaffee fair 6 2022-09-27 10:11:07
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Stephanie Hoon 老师给分比较随便,大部分时间都还可以但偶尔会给低分。感觉是不怎么认真看INT课的老师。还算好评吧。 7 2022-09-22 01:18:01
MS Computer Science MSCS 612 Software Test Automation & Tools online Elizabeth Crow 课上要求互动非常之多,作业抓细节,会一个字一个字的仔细批改,对格式要求很严格。 2 2022-09-16 09:02:24
DBA BUS 720 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Geraldine Goodstone 这个老师真的无语,全程上课死盯着看谁没开摄像头,上六个小时的课,当中上了个厕所关了一下,老师马上问你为什么关摄像头? 整个无语了,上厕所也要报告等批准还要开摄像头吗?让人想起了小学年级主任。课也讲的很烂,各种提问布置作业,就是为了让学生多讲点,自己少说点。 2 2022-09-11 14:26:54
MBA BUS 540 Organizational Behavior online Shirley Chuo Chill and friendly. High marks. But she requires lots of communication in class. 8 2022-09-09 10:12:25
MS Computer Science MSIT 603 Computer Systems Architecture online Erik Huffman discussion要求有点深度,response也是不然很容易不是满分;大约有两篇6-7页的paper,上课要开摄像头但不要求回答问题 8 2022-09-09 09:19:43
DBA BUS 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation online David Johnson 每节课每个学生都会提问很多次 作业要求非常严格 DQ有字数限制 写的不好会让重写 作业在符合要求的情况下打分还可以 总体上需要花更多的时间和精力 不推荐 2 2022-09-09 09:07:58
DBA RES 721 Doctoral Prospectus online Diane Watkins 事儿挺多的老师,这节课本来就很多作业,还会布置额外的课堂作业。有时候给分很迷,但最后的CLA给分还算松的。勉强推荐吧 5 2022-09-09 09:01:39
MS Computer Science MSIT 601 Principles of Data Management online Julie Bonner 上课闲聊居多,没什么内容,作业给很高,九十几到一百,所以DQ可以少写几次,论文也不用写太认真,想轻鬆的话推荐。 9 2022-09-02 05:09:17
MBA online Kyle Allison Fair professor 6 2022-09-01 10:01:03
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Chanda Ghose Prof. Ghose is a very responsive Professor. She is always plan ahead and give your clear and concise guidelines and requirements. kind of strict on citation and reviews, plus work journal feedback must be in accordance with the assignment guideline. Overall, you will learn a lot from her. 9 2022-09-01 04:16:00
MS Information Technology MSIT 608 Information Technology Project Management online William Mcconnell Pretty good, not require camera on during the class 8 2022-08-31 13:50:49
MBA BUS 530 Managing Information Systems and Technology online Sanaz Tehrani 上课会一直随机点人回答问题,但回答不出来也没事,叫她重复问题也OK。APA Format要求高,但是老师人不错,作业分数不满意的话会给你机会重新提交, 重新打分,比较推荐。 9 2022-08-31 11:09:22
MS Computer Science MSCS 603 Computer Systems Architecture online Ted Woodrow 两个月的课,DQ有写并且有回复就是100分,但有些题目不太好写。Ted上课会把时间上满,还会整理每个chapter的重点给学生,教学上算WU中遇过最用心的,不过是否全部正确就。。。 PA, CLA的主题都不好写,且Ted会看学生是否遵守APA format,也会查询引用内容,所以写起来颇累。我觉得大家想轻鬆的话或许要避开这位。 6 2022-08-31 03:56:08
MS Information Technology MSIT 603 Computer Systems Architecture online Erik Huffman 非常好的教授,认真听会有很多知识,课堂不搞其他莫名其妙的东西。 10 2022-08-31 03:09:16
MBA BUS 540 Organizational Behavior online Roxann Goodman 能避开尽量避开,给分不友好,上课也是读slides,讲的内容例子都很没营养。上课也总是给你很长时间讨论。 3 2022-08-31 01:56:20
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date