Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization onsite Leila Esmaeili 还可以,discussion不给满分但是没给原因,不过分值大的project给分好,主要是Ucerity上写题 8 2024-05-07 05:46:34
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Christina Waddell Professor is nice and the seated class is relaxed. Homework load is quite heavy. 6 2024-05-07 04:14:08
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5003 Operations Analytics onsite Billy McGowan THIS COURSE IS HELL FOR ALL DAY1CPT STUDENTS!!! RUN!!!!!!! Billy doesn't accept any late assignment including rewrites (if you want to make up for one assignment). He is an APA citation police, and he would deduct your grades even though you only have MINOR error on citation format. And yeah, if you forgot to cite in the discussion, you are expected to receive a 75% grade. The seated class is two weeks before final ddl. On that day, we were still asked to hand in a 7 page case study and a 3 page essay. We were also required to resubmit our replies to peers because Billy thought you graduate-level students could do better. By the end of the class, he threatened us that if he caught any of us using AI, he would go ahead and marked all previous homework zeros and then you eventually failed this course and had to transfer. I've met many irresponsible shitty professors so far, but honestly this guy is one of the worst. DO NOT CHOOSE TRINE JUST BECAUSE IT IS CHEAPER THAN OTHERS. 1 2024-05-06 00:12:39
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina Sosa Good professor! On-site class is elementary when you have done your final exam. ( you can do your thing and not pay attention to the class) 10 2024-05-03 22:51:45
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5003 Operations Analytics onsite Hassan N. Taleb 老师非常Nice, 但是对于APA要求比较严, 差一点不行,这课作业有8个dis 6个writing assignment, 6个 case paper每个4-6页,一个15页的final assignment,作业量不算小。 7 2024-05-03 02:01:10
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5403 Cybersecurity onsite jaime martinez 这门课事情很多需要做ppt,写weekly blog, 录视频啥的。 但是老师人很好,onsite基本上都在聊天还有提供人生的宝贵建议。强烈推荐这个老师的课 10 2024-05-02 23:24:00
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication online Daniel A. Sabol 非常好的老师,作业写了几乎就是满分,discussion的initial post偶尔忘了,周日补上老师也给满分。课业量还行,非常推荐! 10 2024-04-29 08:38:15
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5023 Data Driving Decision Making onsite Hebah Alquran 给分超好 on site让我们自习了一天。从10点多就开始自习了。给分也是无脑给100.视频要记得在linkedin打开,这样可以看到quiz 可以看到正确答案。和moodle的quiz一模一样。 10 2024-04-22 08:05:49
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Ebenezer Owusu 老师超级好,分给的不错,只需要对APA格式多上心,这门课课程设置的作业量挺大的,课堂也很松,教学风格很轻松。 10 2024-04-08 01:35:18
Master of Science in Engineering Management FIN 5203 Finance for Engineers online Kathy Edwards 老太太评分很高,注意要准时交作业,小组作业评分比较松,discussion只要准时交就是满分。非常推荐 10 2024-03-29 06:03:40
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 5223 Executive Communication online Daniel Sabol 老师是一个年轻律师,非常理解留学生,打分非常高。课程结束后还留给所有人联系方式方便以后联系。非常推荐 10 2024-03-29 05:58:51
Master of Science in Engineering Management GE 5103 Project Management onsite Todd Tekiele 能避开这个老爷子就千万别上他的课。discussion只给80%,他认为引用只要茶宠有相似度就不可以。4个essay就只给60%。essay主要是自己写虚构项目规划没有引用他说你缺引用,没满足引用两个课外材料的要求。所以他前后矛盾,选他的课要慎重。 1 2024-03-29 05:54:58
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Christina Waddell Christina is very responsible. In the onsite class, she talked a lot about finance and had fun in class. A very good professor. The workload was a little heavy with a couple of papers every week and presentations in the last few weeks, you have to manage your time well. Midterm and final were mandatory. 10 2024-03-28 11:14:54
Master of Science in Business Analytics GE 5103 Project Management online Jackson Akwaowo 快跑!我是essay110/200那个,和教授沟通之后,变成103/200了。这还有越改越低的,牛。上辈子得造多大孽,这辈子上他课 1 2024-03-27 11:52:42
Master of Science in Business Analytics GE 5103 Project Management online Jackson Akwaowo 快跑!!!Essay直接不及格(没有AI, grammar问题)找了5个tutor改,直接给我不及格??quiz只有一次机会。Discussion字数要求多。我真是上辈子造孽,这辈子上他课 1 2024-03-27 11:12:21
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 6093 Business Analytics Capstone online Babb, Danielle BAN 6093 作业比较多,也是统计类的课,每周有DB,3个assignment (每个assignment 5道题,每道题里有小问题,可以无限制check是否正确,chegg也找得到原题)3个case (是书里的案例,有6-7个文字问题 偶尔需要插入excel graph之类。除了Assignment系统打分,Danielle DB和case 全部无脑给100 强推这个老师 10 2024-03-26 22:03:19
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data online Muhammad Shaikh dont take this one. so many deductions without feedback. A lot of requirements 1 2024-03-22 15:29:05
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data online Berline beaubrun Great ???? discussion quiz and assignment 8 2024-03-16 00:13:37
Master of Business Administration BAN 5023 Data Driven Decision Making onsite John Tonial discussion要求非常严谨的一个prof,必须要交peer reviewed的reference,评论里也要有专业reference,而且就算交了discussion也从没给过满分,也不会解释为什么扣分..虽然discussion占分比例很少但每次给分都很憋屈。其他地方都没什么问题 7 2024-03-13 10:25:23
Master of Business Administration AC 5023 Managerial Accounting for MBA online Cheryl Kline 非常不推薦 分數打錯也不改 不負責任的教授 最好避雷 免得做了作業也沒拿應得的分數 1 2024-03-11 23:44:21
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date