Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics online Jacqueline Delagrange 这个课总体不难,这个老师给的分大部分还行,有两次discussion给的是25%的分数,不知道为什么她也没有说,其他的和Writing Assignment都是满分。总体来说还是推荐。 8 2024-03-09 07:39:53
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Cristina Waddell The course is homework heavy. There are weekly discussion posts with 2 responses and a paper (word limit 1500). In 2 weeks, there was also a case study (so discussion post + paper + case study). There is also a mid term and final. The professor is nice, but the course is poorly designed. Just follow the professor's instructions for maximum marks. Keep AI/Chatgpt content to <20% similarity and you should be fine. 8 2024-03-07 01:51:45
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5003 Operations Analytics online Clarence Clark There is a lot of homework. There is a discussion board and 2 reports to write every week. Although the content of the report is about operation management, it is not too difficult, but sometimes it is really time consuming to write. As long as the similarity is less than 20 and it matches the format, a high score will be given. 7 2024-03-05 13:20:58
Master of Business Administration BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools onsite Seyedmohsen Hosseini professors is good, and all the homework is from Coursera. As long as you do your homework on time, and don’t meet the bad classmate in peer grading, you can easily get an A. On the onsite day I just listened to the teacher’s lectures and learned R. It was about four o’clock after school. 10 2024-03-05 13:14:52
Master of Business Administration FIN 5063 Corporate Finance online Keith Wade There is quite a lot of homework, but professor will give you good grade. Full marks will be given for basically no plagiarism (similarity less than 20) and correct format. The discussion board must be well written. 8 2024-03-05 12:48:59
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5403 Cybersecurity online Clifton Krahenbill Simple feedback: Do not choose this instructor! He just put a tons of assignments there, for one week what we had to do included making a 3-5min response video, a fill in the blank quiz(like filling 50 words in the blanks), a week discussion(one topic + two responses), one coursera course(it's actually a four-week course with like 50-question quiz), a weekly reflection text 300 words+. For some of the weeks, you would even need to work out three response videos. I was thinking to drop out from this course when we start it. This is the course has the most assignments in the row till now. This is my fourth semester. 7 2024-03-04 04:57:40
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics online Delagrange J.D., Mrs. Jacqueline A 打分好过 AI检测说是20% 反正基本会给高分过 9 2024-03-02 07:08:46
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management online Mike Haverty 老师非常好,给分很及时。而且分数给的也高。这门课就是从头到尾跟着做marketing plan,每周做一部分,到最后几周总结,最后一周合成一个大的plan。如果前面比较认真,后面就更轻松。非常推荐Mike Haverty. 10 2024-03-01 11:34:00
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management online 这个老师discussion给分很慷慨,assignment给的挺严格,assignment每周都会给很详细的评论,老师看的很仔细,final给分还可以 9 2024-03-01 11:17:00
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools onsite David Torres 新教授,人挺好,认真负责。Discussion给分要求比较严,比较看重引用,格式和回复,完全达标才给满分。onsite比较轻松,带着做sql labs,做完有extra points。这门课本身课业比较轻松。 10 2024-02-28 10:37:42
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication online Mason Matthew 这个老师可以说是没什么师德而且心眼很小,说话很mean。我强烈质疑他评分标准,并且是否具有教书资格。我向学校举报他之后,由于学期还没有结束,他给了更加不合理的分数。能救一个算一个,大家选到他的课就赶紧换老师吧。 1 2024-02-28 02:12:34
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools online Danielle Babb 课程都在Coursera,老师人很好,discussion基本都给满分,推荐! 10 2024-02-27 11:04:14
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Tony Downs 这个教授给分很大方,按要求踩到点就会给满分,对内容质量要求不高。但是他对规则特别严格,迟交作业或者被检测到AI都会给零分,并且上报学校。On-site就是讲一下markting plan作业的内容以及做一个小组活动。 8 2024-02-27 10:39:24
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Tony Downs 这个教授给分很大方,按要求踩到点就会给满分,对内容质量要求不高。但是他对规则特别严格,迟交作业或者被检测到AI都会给零分,并且上报学校。On-site就是讲一下markting plan作业的内容以及做一个小组活动。 8 2024-02-27 10:39:22
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools onsite David Torres 每周的作业基本都是学完一个coursera course+disccusion。有sql或者R基础的话会比较简单,没有的话一般网上搜都可以找到答案。Discussion注意要包括reference这样能给满分。onsite是写SQL代码,写完了就可以没有presentation之类的,还比较轻松。作业不算少但是教授David Torres人超级nice,有任何问题或者对grading有疑问跟他邮件沟通都很快回复。感觉是比较认真并且尊重学生的教授。 10 2024-02-27 04:23:17
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5823 Financial Modeling online Fraser Nega 一开始几周作业比较多, 每周都会有discussion,第五周要求有个8-12分钟的presentation(录好上传),后面几周都是final project+discussion。作业量感觉还行。主要是这个教授Fraser Nega, Dr.注意避坑,非常难沟通, 非常passive aggressive,很不专业。 5 2024-02-27 04:16:06
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization online Manya Mayes 这课有quiz, study card,3个考试,一个final project, 3篇作文,tableau的lab,3个tableau的assgiment,总体来说作业量不算少的相比其他课程,老师挺不错,回邮件很及时给分也不错 8 2024-02-27 01:11:29
Master of Business Administration AC 5023 Managerial Accounting for MBA online Charlene Gayle Pro. Gayle is very nice. She can accept late assignment with little penalty and always give full credit to discussion board. It's just the standard answers of some assignments were wrong so you need to communicate with the professor. The workload is ok. 8 2024-02-27 00:48:32
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication online Allen Hersel Good 7 2024-02-26 01:33:09
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA onsite Jeffrey Serrano 慈善。给分高,onsite放学早。能选就选。 10 2024-02-25 11:29:56
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date