Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Sara Howe Westcliff has 2 different kinds of professors us students should know about= the ones that give passing grades to us all so they can avoid the emails, extra time, complaints, appeals, etc., and then the profs that inspire students to earn their degrees and will give their time to make sure people are doing the work. Howe is the one that obviously wants people to learn, and will not take the easy route. I realized almost immediately she was not the kind of professor that just passes everyone like I'm used to. Yes, its annoying to have to actually do the work, but I did appreciate that she went over all assignments in class and gave extra time for comments on what can be better or improved when we completed the tasks. Her words always matched her actions which made me trust her fully. Just got final grades back and Aced the class, I know I earned it, so that's another good feeling! (: If you use chatgpt she will know and you will fail. Just don't cheat and you'll be fine. 9 2024-04-12 11:52:33
MBA ORG 500 online Juan Maza 快跑!!! 给分超级严格 APA教掌门人 上课还可以一般课讲作业一般讲他当保安的经验.... 必须发言才能拿满分participation 缺课他会很生气要你发邮件给program director 2 2024-04-01 07:08:52
MS Engineering Management AVR 602 3D Game Development in Unity II online Adriel Samaniego 03486934769 5 2024-04-01 00:21:23
MS Engineering Management AVR 602 3D Game Development in Unity II online Adriel Samaniego 03486934769 5 2024-04-01 00:21:22
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers onsite John Knight 太喜欢这个教授了,特别喜欢开玩笑。只可惜不太接的上茬。如果可以选希望能一直选他的课。完全按照要求写作业基本不扣分。 10 2024-03-31 08:08:05
DBA ECO 700 Business in a Global Economy onsite Chris Hogan 快逃!!! 1 2024-03-30 05:54:11
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online James Powell terrible professor. doesn't really know how to teach. easy grading. so sad. 1 2024-03-28 12:24:14
MS Computer Science DEV 630 Web Programming I onsite Noel Broman 这老师还查AI率,高了会给作业0分。 1 2024-03-18 04:13:41
MBA BUS 540 Organizational Behavior onsite David Johnson Mind blowingly严格,首先DQ有字数要求400字initial 150字peer feedback,还明确要求此字数不包括“废话” include“ I totally agree with you, wish you all a great week ….” 给分也巨低,能换赶紧换!!! 4 2024-03-16 03:08:46
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Shaun Spath I would honestly recommend this professor if you are one of the individuals that try in school and want to learn. Yes, he is tough on the papers and has high expectations, but that is one thing that drop me to loving his class. He typically speaks straight to the point and replies to emails very rapidly. If you are someone who wants to take a class and get an easy A, I would avoid his class. If you are looking to learn and challenge yourself, then I do recommend his class. I think he wants everyone to have quality work and work hard for it. 9 2024-03-14 00:26:58
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership onsite Diane Salcedo 老师人很好,课上有很多有意思的小组活动,不只是枯燥的演讲,给分很nice,按照要求来基本没有低于95分的,适合想networking一下的同学,没有那么水。 10 2024-03-05 14:50:53
MS Engineering Management CAP 690 Masters Applied Capstone online Nicholas Becker 的确神仙老师~ 发自内心的对学生认真负责,在课堂和作业讨论中非常耐心指导,同时非常和蔼谦逊。能选到必须选的好老师 10 2024-03-05 11:25:45
MS Computer Science MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Amin Al Baroudi 避雷避雷避雷 作业都不带看的,他压根不知道作业布置了啥,评分直接看AI评分 每天上课先和同学拉扯作业30分钟,周周都有同学作业0分 能不换就赶紧换,打分全看AI 1 2024-03-01 04:29:44
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics onsite Victor Abraham 超級無語的老師,2024年開年大劫!所有的Tech issue 都是學生沒有按照他要求來,寫comment 寫在學生看不到的地方讓學生看!上課你全程參與回答問題,結果activities 做錯也只能施捨75分。和他溝通永遠不回會email只會叫你打電話,總結下來讀不到他的透明review 都是你的問題沒有他的問題,不承認自己的錯誤! 到第八周還有一半作業沒給分,不知道要等到成績出來跟他溝通argue到何時!上課浪費時間,教學質量差,經濟學遇到圖表就跳過,所有時間花在讀ppt和tech issue. 找其他老師別ruin your grades。我沒有缺一堂課,沒有遲到,沒有遲交作業 1 2024-02-27 12:44:03
MBA ECO 500 Managerial Economics onsite Victor Abraham 这个教授褒贬不一吧 当然他问题很多的 我是被他放过的那个 目前来说 能不选就不选吧 就挺煎熬的 5 2024-02-27 12:15:26
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online William Roesner internship课 会认真看DQ和回复 给分不是很松 但看字数和reference数量到了就有 80/90分左右 8 2024-02-24 05:43:51
MS Computer Science MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Amin Al Baroudi 上课喜欢点名回答问题和share screen。教我们Excel Tableau PowerBI节奏比较快,要求全程跟做。部分作业要求比syllabus严,比如2页的要求3页,第四周ppt要求30页。对AI零容忍,AI率高的0分,中等的50分。作业评分有疑问的时候跟教授不好说话。 3 2024-02-20 11:39:02
MBA INT 601 Graduate Internship online Sara Howe AVOID AT ALL COST! Professor Howe is extremely immature, disrespectful and should straight up be FIRED. She never gives feedback on assignments, and grades very harshly (the grade wont depend on your quality of work, but rather on whether she likes you or not - by the way - she decides if she likes you or not based on her mood of the day). She doesnt help students in need, in fact, tries to make their life so much harder. She will judge you from that, and decide you are a bad student with no reasoning behind it, therefore giving you the lowest grades possible. I am personally an A student, my GPA has never fallen from a 4.0 and Professor Howe has single handed ruined my academic career. She should be reviewed by the school and fired based on her biases and extreme outlook on instructor-student relationships. I would give her a 0, but since I cant I give her a 1. Awful teaching skills and very questionable background. 1 2024-02-20 10:37:22
MS Information Technology CLD 603 Cloud Security and Disaster Recovery online Ghani Zahid Homework load is really heavy. 10+ pages every week. Most of the class time was spent in group discussions. Couldn't learn anything. 1 2024-01-25 15:22:57
MBA RES 600 Business Research Methodology online Sara Howe first week impressions. she is serious about teaching, and isnt like other teachers here. if you are just wanting to graduate easy, her classes aren't for you. she isn't for people who cheat their way through or who are lazy. many of my classmates dont participate at all they think they can be on their phones or play video games & still get credit for class. the ignorant ones are going to ruin a lot of things. they took up so much time of the class. i am not looking forward to groups & team assignments because a lot of these people in my class seem very incompetent. some of them are going to put a lot of strain on us because they are lazy. i like her she is very happy & is concerned for our wellbeing. i like how she said to take care of & be nice to ourselves, & also be nice to others at the end of class. most teachers there just give full grades & dont care about you as a person or if you can get better. she wants us to be better. i like this. i am looking forward to this semester. 10 2024-01-13 12:58:13
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date