Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Others 其他 TSL 592 Digital Assessment in Teaching and Learning online Katherine Grisham 给分一般,经常课上要做presentation。 7 2024-07-26 06:18:02
DBA ORG 700 Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Development onsite Fathiah Inserto 老師人很 nice, 盡時交作業打分很高。一個 onsite weekend 加兩個 online Sat (3小時), online class 都是簡單 discussion or 小組討論 10 2024-07-24 02:55:33
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online PeterMax Miller 天使老爺爺 推薦 10 2024-07-21 01:39:33
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior onsite David Johnson 對APA極其嚴格 避雷 1 2024-07-21 01:38:40
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online Sonny Halilbegovic 要求巨嚴 避雷 2 2024-07-21 01:35:40
MBA MKT 600 Consumer Behavior & the Decision-Making Process onsite Donna Kjellander 10 2024-07-17 08:44:40
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Cristhian Mancera Mejia 超級爛,給分感覺都是看心情的,明明自己要求也沒說清楚,就隨便給人0分。發了好幾次郵件也不回 就這樣的人還選民選官員?笑話 1 2024-07-15 02:06:00
MS Information Technology INT 566 online Brett Bjornsrud The worst professor 1 2024-07-13 01:54:37
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Javaid Syed 完全不讲理的狗比。论文逼着用writing center,用完改完非说有没改好的地方,修改好几遍他还是直接给0分。上课Literally 说你不按我说的做你就要“pay the price”。participation分还能给70多。 1 2024-07-09 09:39:16
DBA RES 700 Business Research Methods I online Javaid Syed 彻头彻尾的脑残,瞎改瞎教,喜欢给零分,建议能不选就不选,能举报就举报。 1 2024-07-09 09:36:43
MBA ITPM 601 Project Leadership online Chartese Davis 教授第一堂課會有點嚇人,感覺規矩很多,其實人很好。他很希望上課時大家可以跟他互動,但我一堂課只發言一次,參與度也都是100分。作業不需要花太多時間,都是90分以上。 10 2024-07-05 11:40:28
MBA ITPM 602 Project Schedule Management onsite Mike Moifolley 上課要求開鏡頭,需要一定程度地參與討論。作業不多,給分普通,大概都是80-90分。 6 2024-07-05 11:36:33
MS Computer Science MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization onsite Amin Al Baroudi The course design is a little confusing. I had no way of submitting the first week's discussion assignment because the professor didn't post any questions in the forum...and I got no reply from the professor after I asked about this. Looks like the workload is quite heavy. Slide deck or essay each week. Not recommended. 2 2024-07-03 07:16:17
MS Computer Science DATA 600 Principles of Data Management online Wissam Ahmed Spend time on the materials. quiz for each class 10 2024-07-02 09:57:31
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior onsite David Johnson 不要选,给分很严,选别的老师 2 2024-06-28 02:20:58
MS Computer Science CAP 690 Masters Applied Capstone onsite Amin Ghanei 10 out of 10. Would take his course again 10 2024-06-27 13:13:26
MBA ITPM 601 Project Leadership onsite Lisa Driscoll 給分很高,課堂超級要求討論,喜歡讓學生一直盯著螢幕看,偷用手機會被罵,並要求每堂課之後寫下上課討論內容交到vcs 7 2024-06-27 08:44:04
Others 其他 TSL 532 Listening & Speaking Instruction onsite Atwi 很好的老师,作业打分很高,邮件沟通也很快,Ramadan的时候经常给我们半小时的中途时间休息,很人性化。 9 2024-06-20 02:58:46
MBA MKT602 onsite Tracy Foote 老师上课会拖堂,作业给分还可以,上课会需要做PPT,氛围挺不错的 6 2024-06-18 10:07:09
MBA MKT 500 Marketing Management online Geraldine Goodstone Dr. Goodstone is strict about formality, I.e. camera must always be on, homework must be submitted within deadline. But she gives good grades as long as you follow her instruction. 9 2024-06-13 01:26:19
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date