Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
MS Information Technology CYB 600 Threat and Vulnerability Management online Lance Caldwell Strict on paper easy in class 9 2023-12-29 12:19:59
MS Information Technology CYB 600 Threat and Vulnerability Management online Lance Caldwell Strict on paper but easy in class 9 2023-12-29 12:17:17
DBA DATA 801 BI, Analytics, & Decision Support online Angel Rios 老师很有责任心 讲课有激情 给分高 推荐 10 2023-12-29 06:05:55
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Ali Asadi This professor is responsible, quick response to assignments and emails, offer reasonable grades. Strict on paper format. 8 2023-12-28 21:36:40
MS Information Technology ITM 610 onsite Patricia Foley Very nice professor, kind and thoughtful 10 2023-12-28 15:08:50
MBA BUS 540 Organizational Behavior online Shirley Chuo 上课几乎全聊天,挺轻松的,分数也给的不错,还行 9 2023-12-28 12:12:49
MBA RES 600 Business Research Methodology online Sara Howe 老师态度很认真,属于学术型的老师,上课会准备很多材料,作业也会认真批改,就是时间比较久。上课的时候基本都是鼓励大家发言表达自己的想法,也会帮忙引导学生理清论点。如果想学到东西的话,可以上一下这个老师的课,但是如果只想混学分的话,可能会比较难。总体来说,如果认真做好作业课堂好好合作,这个老师挺友好的。 9 2023-12-28 11:54:23
MBA LDR 602 Strategy and Innovation online Kathleen Kemmer Worst 2 2023-12-28 09:58:21
MBA INT 500 Concentration: Marketing and Sales online Martin DiBello 相当宽松,只要写了就有分,巨水的cpt课程 10 2023-12-28 09:13:45
MS Computer Science DEV 600 Systems Analysis and Design online William Mcconnell 老师评assignment的时候给comment很详细,能知道错在哪里,不会瞎给分。基本每节课都要小组讨论,偶尔需要做presentation。总体感觉不错,是个正常老师。 9 2023-12-28 09:09:48
DBA RES 702 Business Research Methods II online Simin Hojat 非常好的老师,每节课都很努力的教大家东西。也会努力自己做PPT.课堂互动问题打错了,也没有关系。评分给力。 9 2023-12-28 09:00:25
MS Computer Science DATA 600 Principles of Data Management online Angelina Tzacheva Nice instructor overall with fixed schedule every week. Will ask students to do presentation instead of submitting APA format paper for weekly assignment. Walked through her slides while adding some extension based on her experiences. 8 2023-12-28 08:55:48
MBA BUS 670 e-Business Technologies online Kevin Bilberry I am the only student in this course, 1-1 with the insructor each time, and the instructor only show once and skipped two but the grade is really low. 6 2023-12-28 08:49:24
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Latanya Gordon Terrible professor. Extremely boring class, feels like she knows nothing but still somehow teaches. Majority of the class she just splits students into breakout rooms and everyone had to present many times or she will deduct your participation grade. Very short brake for 6 hour class, have to turn camera on or she will message you. Worst professor I have ever taken. 1 2023-12-22 12:29:37
DBA ECO 700 Business in a Global Economy onsite Chris (Christella) Hogan 非常难搞。上这门课因为精神压力大到身体不适直接需要去医院的程度。1. 这位情绪极其不稳定,经常上一秒还在笑 下一秒就摆脸色。每次上课必摆脸色,因为各种原因,曾因为上课有人敲键盘,有同学迟到1分钟,甚至break时间大家还留在教室 直接骂半个小时,每节课都会有零分威胁,每节课都会强调一遍她从来不改成绩。2.对自己要求很低,对学生要求很高,每次上课前一个小时才上传slides到announcement,slides内容几乎是从textbook上copy,上课只读slides,读完她copy的slides挨个点名discussion,在discussion之前如果让她帮忙解释一个term,她会说你应该自己去看书。也就是说,她上课只负责读一些她从textbook上copy来的内容,要求你直接什么什么都会,有高质量输出。3.每节课都要给一个额外的从textbook上copy下来的问题,让做额外的slides,然后下一节课presentation,并且所有内容必须来自于textbook,有一点internet的东西就算抄袭,participation零分威胁,加摆脸色。4.Assignments有多于syllabus的很多要求,PA,CLA,DQ全部要求每一段都有in-text citation。没错 是每一段。不然直接扣分。5. 经常错过email,几乎不回复email。6. 给分极其不稳定,高兴给满分,不高兴给都60,80是经常事。7. 给分极其慢。8. 她不在CA并不能onsite,这门课却是onsite,每节课都要onsite去跟她zoom,非常不方便。以上只是说了一些影响上课体验的客观事实,还有很多跟课程无关的让人无语的事情。总之这门课不仅学不到东西,而且对精神和身体都是折磨。 1 2023-12-21 04:46:11
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Cynthia Azari Intern的课, 给分还可以。 9 2023-12-21 01:43:04
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Schahrzade Rezvani 查 AI,给分很低 1 2023-12-20 13:33:12
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online Tricia Williams lots of homework 6 2023-12-19 14:02:05
MBA MKT 604 New Product Development & Launch onsite PeterMax Miller 非常好 10 2023-12-19 09:00:46
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship onsite Roxann Goodman 能避开就避开,千万别选这个破教授。明明我前两周都没给加进这个班里,之前的作业直接全算0分,跟她发邮件也没用。改作业严得1b,不给任何机会。 1 2023-12-18 10:25:25
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date