Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA DATA 801 BI, Analytics, & Decision Support online Andrea Hemphill Online session: Group discussion and presentation. Like to pick student to answer questions. Always can early finish. Assignment: She'll read throughout your assignments and DQ. VERY focused on APA format. Need your paper to be academic. Just fairly grading but usually gives you A. In general, She was a relatively accountable professor at WU. If you want to get an A, you need to make some effort on your assignments. 9 2023-12-15 12:36:50
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online Cristhian Mancera Mejia 超烂!intern 不认真写DQ连及格分都不给,然后我不知道在哪里看评论(以前别的教授给comment的地方不一样) 我就写邮件问他 哪里看评论(并没有在质疑为什么低分,我自己没认真写我活该,我就是想知道哪里看反馈我好改) ,结果收到咆哮回复说我骚扰他然后也不告诉我哪里看就直接把我多不认真全部吼了一遍……他真的脑子有病吧 1 2023-12-15 04:31:00
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation online Kris Jamsa 神仙老师 选他 10 2023-12-15 03:26:27
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior online Dale Dan 上课交互比较多,作业看似要求很多,只要做到了,基本满分很容易拿。 10 2023-12-14 04:16:25
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior online Geraldine Goodstone 上课就是提前做个presentation,随便一两段就行,照着念也没问题,准备了就好。主要是算出勤分数。上课也会有breakout room, 半小时准备个presentation,随便gpt一下 就搞定。作业给分也很好,老师本身人也很nice。强推! 10 2023-12-08 04:56:41
MBA LDR 500 Organizational Leadership onsite Amin Ghanei 这个老师还行的,onsite,之前的,就按时按照标准交作业, 分数给的还行,这周上完onsite的课我再来review一下 8 2023-12-07 03:22:48
MS Engineering Management MIS 540 Management of Information Security online Chad Hinden 史上最好的老師 非常輕鬆, 必須給這個老師頒獎!!! 10 2023-12-06 10:50:58
DBA FIN 700 Financial Risk Management online Daneene Barton The professor’s mind is very clear and you could learn a lot of things, but the homework load is a heavy 8 2023-11-18 12:34:01
MS Information Technology MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization online Farhad Malek Asghar Pretty reasonable professor. Very chill. High scores. 10 2023-11-18 03:10:23
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online Omari Williams 1. 教授上課沒重點,也沒有心上課,常常上到一半出神不知道在講什麼 2. 作業超多,除了每週DQ外,每週還有一篇平均3-6頁的paper, 3. 作業問題都是來自教科書的所以寫的答案很容易被Turniting說有high similarity rate,跟教授反應時他還不懂死咬著你說不能抄襲,硬是要給你作業0分 4. 評分不透明跟不合理,別的同學similarity rate比我高還有分數 5. 千萬避開這堂課跟這個教授! 1 2023-11-16 16:36:23
DBA MKT 700 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior onsite Symone Starr Parker 给分低的离谱,写了reference的dq只给七十几分??? 1 2023-11-03 08:51:26
MBA INT 501 Graduate Internship online James Powell NOT TOO STRICT, EASY TO GET 100 9 2023-11-02 01:44:26
MBA LDR 604 Creating and Leading Effective Teams online Oday Alnabhan 教授上课感觉很严格,要求所有人都要发言。课堂没讲什么内容,很多都是分组讨论,现场演讲。要求课后邮件提交上课没讲完的discussion question。说这个问题你可以选择做,但是你不做,participation拿不到满分。课后的discussion post,要求至少4个citations,500字以上。同学再三确认,教授表示这是他的标准。还是第一次碰到这样的教授。如果有别的教授选择,建议可以慎重考虑一下。 1 2023-11-02 01:09:35
DBA LDR 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation onsite Amin Ghanei A super nice teacher. Typically he will dismiss the class earlier. Also, he will simplify the assignments' requirements if it is troublesome. During class, he will have some discussion questions from time to time for interaction but does not require anyone to strictly follow him, and thus it is not stressful during class time. The score of assignments is reasonable as well. He emphasizes the APA format for all professional assignments (PA). If you have any questions and ask him, he will answer them quite patiently. 10 2023-11-01 08:34:51
DBA RES 701 Doctoral Prospectus online Yvan Nezerwe 老师上课很不准时,让学生们等1个多小时是常有的事。去学校on-site的时候,不幸在机场感染新冠,及时给老师发了邮件说明情况,希望老师能给1-2周的extension,等康复以后把paper补上。老师答应了。但是,我补交paper以后,老师说等他下次批作业一起grade (这个老师一个学期只grade两次,第一次是在第4或5周,第二次是期末上完所有课)。然而,期末的时候,我发现老师并没有给我之前补交的paper任何分数。我想着也许老师忘记了,很礼貌地给老师发了邮件。老师迟迟不回,直到最后总成绩出来,我只得了B-。那两个paper作业都是0分。我和老师之间所有的邮件往来都有抄送给advisor。Advisor人很好,也觉得对我很不公平,建议我做grade appeal。我8月末提交的appeal,现在已经是10月末,杳无音信。没有得到任何校方的回复。老师上课比较水,给分松,但是老师不认真不积极不负责,出了问题,不沟通不回复,常敷衍。感觉不是很上心,就算只是为了赚份part time的钱,也没有尽职尽责。出了问题,就回避。 5 2023-10-31 23:38:29
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Cynthia Azari 老师给分很严,而且标准不统一。刚开学的前4-5周,每周认真写的DQ(有2个 peer response,citation也很明确)老师只给80多左右,之前的几个学期只要认真写老师都给100。因为是INT课程所以也没有特别计较分数,于是以后就随意写写,不会花时间找citation,然后奇迹发生了,老师竟然给随便写写的DQ 94分。很震惊。 7 2023-10-31 23:23:49
MS Information Technology MSIT 607 Advanced Database Design & Management onsite George Sayegh 上课严肃 要求积极参与 每次都要发言 5 2023-10-31 07:26:33
MBA LDR 604 Creating and Leading Effective Teams online Juan M. Maza 挺好的教授,回应及时,会给有用的feedback,作业量适中,打分也公正,课堂内容不难,更多的是随机发挥,没有硬性的participation,也很鼓励学生发言。 10 2023-10-29 06:26:38
MBA ENT 602 Online Business Entrepreneurship online Javad Shakib 老师很好很和蔼分也很高。上课不会随机瞎点人,问了问题抢答一下他就很开心,不答也无所谓~ 10 2023-10-29 06:22:08
DBA RES 702 Business Research Methods II online Simin Hojat 这是我第二次上这位老师的课(特地找advisor换过来的),课堂是要求参与的,但是只要按流程来就不会有问题。待人宽和、给分宽松,上一门课就是满分,这门课可以预见应该也可以达到。个人是很推荐这位婆婆的,给9分是因为当然还存在那种完全不需要开摄像头作业驴唇不对马嘴也给满分的老师。。。 9 2023-10-28 16:04:07
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date