Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
DBA INT 701 Graduate Internship online Cynthia Azari 老师给分很严,而且标准不统一。刚开学的前4-5周,每周认真写的DQ(有2个 peer response,citation也很明确)老师只给80多左右,之前的几个学期只要认真写老师都给100。因为是INT课程所以也没有特别计较分数,于是以后就随意写写,不会花时间找citation,然后奇迹发生了,老师竟然给随便写写的DQ 94分。很震惊。 7 2023-10-31 23:23:49
MS Information Technology MSIT 607 Advanced Database Design & Management onsite George Sayegh 上课严肃 要求积极参与 每次都要发言 5 2023-10-31 07:26:33
MBA LDR 604 Creating and Leading Effective Teams online Juan M. Maza 挺好的教授,回应及时,会给有用的feedback,作业量适中,打分也公正,课堂内容不难,更多的是随机发挥,没有硬性的participation,也很鼓励学生发言。 10 2023-10-29 06:26:38
MBA ENT 602 Online Business Entrepreneurship online Javad Shakib 老师很好很和蔼分也很高。上课不会随机瞎点人,问了问题抢答一下他就很开心,不答也无所谓~ 10 2023-10-29 06:22:08
DBA RES 702 Business Research Methods II online Simin Hojat 这是我第二次上这位老师的课(特地找advisor换过来的),课堂是要求参与的,但是只要按流程来就不会有问题。待人宽和、给分宽松,上一门课就是满分,这门课可以预见应该也可以达到。个人是很推荐这位婆婆的,给9分是因为当然还存在那种完全不需要开摄像头作业驴唇不对马嘴也给满分的老师。。。 9 2023-10-28 16:04:07
MS Computer Science MIS 540 Management of Information Security onsite Sourabh Aggarwal 作业少,给分高,但教课内容没啥东西 10 2023-10-28 11:48:31
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers online Omid Mousavi 作业很多不推荐 3 2023-10-28 08:40:38
MBA FIN 500 Financial & Accounting Skills for Managers onsite Nima Salami 大量作业,耗时 1 2023-10-28 08:19:14
DBA DATA 801 BI, Analytics, & Decision Support online Javad Shakib 老师很不错 作业感觉交了就满分 上课也不会很严格 10 2023-10-27 08:43:02
MBA ORG 500 Organizational Behavior onsite Peter Sebhatu 上课不能走神和玩手机电脑,经常要回答问题 5 2023-10-27 06:03:36
MS Computer Science MIS 510 Information Technology Project Management onsite Marquita Frazier 非常好的老师,给分很高。discussion 和apa 的作业不会同时有,批分很及时。100%的老师。 10 2023-10-27 05:02:24
MBA LDR 602 Strategy and Innovation online Kathleen Kemmer 史上最sb老师,没有之一 1 2023-10-26 13:29:41
DBA FIN 700 Financial Risk Management onsite Eduardo Haynes onsite连上三天他只讲了最多两小时,剩下都是在presentation,主打一个自学。作业好好写分数才能好。同班同学DQ有给不及格的..就是一水课的老师,完全没有input 7 2023-10-26 10:28:09
DBA TECH 822 Information Technology Project & Portfolio Management online Wayne Hollman 教授名字是Wissam Ahmed,没有找到,神仙老师,给分高,要求不多,发邮件会回。 10 2023-10-26 01:58:36
DBA LDR 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation online Nicole Lesher 非常非常认真的一位老师,改论文是一句一句改的,花了十个小时写的论文还是拿到一个史无前例的低分。可能可以学到东西,但是上这位老师的课要花很多精力,拿高分比较难,混分数基本不可能。不太推荐。 5 2023-10-24 13:36:05
MS Information Technology MIS 550 Big Data Analytics and Visualization onsite Matthew Brown Easy class and professor is also easy on grade. 10 2023-10-24 10:40:29
Others 其他 TSL512 Writing Instruction onsite Reannah Sartoris 老师给分很高,基本上作业按照rubric写都能拿90分以上,CLA、PA大作业都给了95分以上。出勤的话,说是onsite,偶尔请一两次假在zoom上课也没扣出勤分,总体来说很nice! 10 2023-10-24 06:04:59
MS Computer Science MIS 545 Business Architecture and Organizational Transformation onsite Ahmed Adeyemi 老师非常chill 是个非常好的老师,选他 10 2023-10-24 00:56:07
MS Computer Science MIS 540 Management of Information Security onsite Sourabh Aggarwal Very kind lecturer with mild workload and friendly grading criteria, but it's a little bit pushy when doing the final presentation. He will dig deep into your presentation in a specific topic and continuously throwing questions to you. 8 2023-10-21 01:29:41
DBA LDR 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation onsite Juan Maza Very heavy homework, the lecturer teaches nothing in the class, if you didn't say anything in the class you will get 74% for attendance, homework grading is very hash, almost 60-70% for the majority of the homework. 1 2023-10-20 12:09:21
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date