Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
M.S. Analytics ANLY 699 Applied Project in Analytics onsite James H. Scrivner He’s a really nice Professor. Easy A, and gives good suggestions on your paper., learn a lot about APA format, definitely recommend. 10 2023-12-29 13:13:21
M.S. Project Management PMGT 570 Agile Project Management with Scrum Methodology online Patrick Conlon 不点名 给分高 每堂课开始会让预定的小组做5分钟presentation和Kahoot小测 不计分但是准备的小组会稍麻烦一些 9 2023-12-28 10:17:43
M.S. Analytics ANLY 500 - Analytics I: Principles and Applications online Kevin Huggins Crazy teacher! Don’t take! Two midterms and due Dec 24th! Who would have due on Christmas Eve???!!! Also strict on scores!!! Is he aware the meaning of day1 CPT??? 3 2023-12-28 09:06:26
M.S. Healthcare Informatics HCIN 500 Healthcare Informatics onsite Michael Seavers 老师给分很mean,建议别选这个老师的课 6 2023-12-28 08:51:02
M.S. Project Management PMGT 570 Agile Project Management with Scrum Methodology onsite Baba Sontyana A lot of homework - forums + papers / group work every week. Professor is nice but can be a bit strict with grading. 6 2023-11-23 09:25:03
M.S. Project Management MGMT 520 Professional Communication online Jen Mowery Really like her personality, she is patient and kind. She is a good grader and is very helpful in general. I loved her classes too - they weren't boring. 8 2023-11-18 09:42:47
M.S. Project Management PMGT 540 Planning and Executing Projects online Melissa McCoy Technical class so you have to learn and do projects on ms project. She is strict with grading and has tasks to do during online classes as well. She follows the rubric and is a strict with grading comparitively. 5 2023-11-18 09:40:31
M.S. Project Management MGMT 560 - Organizational Leadership online Dan Jensen Very picky Professor, find whatever reasons to deduct points to your assignments. Does not respect students’ time, went on travels without telling students and kept students waiting online. So many assignments, and some of them are repetitive. 2 2023-10-31 00:03:58
M.S. Project Management PMGT 540 Planning and Executing Projects onsite Carolyn Shaw The best Professor ever. She is extremely friendly and flexible. 10 2023-10-30 23:56:44
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 525 - Big Data Architectures onsite Sangwhan Cha 2个assignment3个lab1个小组Project1个midterm1个final。小组project是老师分组,在第二次onsite讲draft presentation,第三次onsite讲final presentation,然后还要写一个report。assignment和两次考试是简答题可以用chatgpt辅助。总之就是很烦,能不选就不选! 2 2023-10-28 01:06:04
M.S. Computer Information Sciences CISC 593 Software Verification and Validation online Ira Weissberger 课程包括quiz+discussion+project,上课很水可以不听不点名,quiz和discussion可以chatgpt, project有点麻烦,需要做一个app加上各种test的documentation。我做的很认真,所以不知道能不能水过,老师给的点评也很长感觉他有在认真看的样子 8 2023-10-28 00:59:58
M.S. Project Management PMGT 510 Principles of Project Management online James Souders Lots of HW and writing assignments. 2 2023-10-27 14:16:19
M.S. Project Management PMGT 530 - Risk, Procurement and Contracts online Rizwan A. Khan Small class but with good quality. He likes to interact with students but rarely calls on students. Attendance will be taken at each class. In general, good professor. 8 2023-10-23 11:09:21
M.S. Analytics GRAD 695 Research Methodology and Writing online Wei-kang Kao 授课很清楚,作业量不大,上课会真的教你怎么写paper,作业按照要求写都是满分,期末就是一个个作业组成的,人很nice,有很多的extra credit, easy A 10 2023-10-20 06:10:12
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management ISEM 500 - Strategic Planning for Digital Transformation onsite William French Got an A on this class, and it is an required class for ISEM major. $25 fee is required to use a SPACE simulation website to complete projects. There were 2 individually contributed homework, 3 group projects, 2 group assignments, and 3 online exams (all multiple choices or F or T questions). A lot of team works. Our paper written project has more than 40 pages long including reference and cover page, and we got 95/100 for these projects. Not highly recommend to take this class with professor French. He doesn't give answers even after the exams, you will never know what questions did you get wrong, and there were typos in the exam questions. Almost no interactions in the online classes. There is one extra credit project towards the end of the semester. Overall, it requires a lot of efforts to get an A, the grading isn't very transparent and the professor isn't very supportive when students really want to learn and develop. Choose other professor if you can. 5 2023-10-20 04:19:19
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management ANLY 520 Natural Language Processing online Erin M. Buchanan She is knowledgeable but gives out quizzes and videos for us to watch before the classes. Then in the actual class, she shows us how she codes and debug. There is a project in the class 8 2023-10-20 02:34:37
M.S. Project Management PMGT 530 - Risk, Procurement and Contracts online Joseph Deklinski 老师有上课讲很多故事,是他做project manager的工作经验。作业不是特别多,给分也还可以。 7 2023-08-30 07:39:36
M.S. Project Management PMGT 570 Agile Project Management with Scrum Methodology onsite Baba Sontyana Quite a knowledgeable professor who is also responsive to questions. 8 2023-08-30 07:36:00
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management ISEM 500 - Strategic Planning for Digital Transformation onsite William French 老师管的不严,上课不提问,作业交给TA来批,成绩给的不错,但是跟老师邮件沟通比较费劲,发邮件老师一般不回,作业只能延期一天。上课强制买一个course pack用来做作业 8 2023-08-16 02:49:58
M.S. Analytics MGMT 520 Professional Communication onsite Nicole Reigelman Expects some workload but okay grading policy 8 2023-08-14 07:29:35
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date