M.S. Computer Information Sciences |
CISC 600 Scientific Computing I |
online |
Kaushiki Saha |
每周一个作业,一般是课后习题里的1-2道,没有期中,期末是写一个report,会给几周时间,每周有deliverable,挺合理的。课的难度不高,给分好,这个老师的课都推荐! |
10 |
2023-04-18 02:00:04 |
M.S. Project Management |
PMGT 540 - Planning and Executing Projects |
online |
Satish Upadhyay |
作业量有点多,上课偶尔提问,老师口音有点重,作业批的比较严,作业晚交几个小时不扣分 |
6 |
2023-04-18 01:34:14 |
M.S. Analytics |
ANLY 699 Applied Project in Analytics |
online |
Matthew Korn |
Easy peasy |
10 |
2023-04-18 01:31:27 |
Others 其他 |
PHAR 520 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics |
onsite |
Erik Hefti |
如果遇到Erik Hefti教的课,请自动避开,能选别的千万别选他的课。作业非常多,一周些1篇2页的paper,一学期6-7次作业,是一定需要查好几篇paper再自己输出的那种。一门课一周花在写作业上的时间5小时左右。上课不照着ppt讲,考试也常考ppt上没有的内容,每节课课前quiz,期中期末,individual final proj,花大量时间。 |
3 |
2023-04-13 11:34:56 |
M.S. Project Management |
MGMT 560 - Organizational Leadership |
online |
Brenda Webber |
Prof. Webber does a good job teaching organizational leadership. There are a total of 5 papers this semester, including 4 leadership papers and one final paper. There are also discussion forums, as well as mid-term and final exams. I joined weekly classes online and went to HU for the onsite class. |
9 |
2023-04-11 10:24:36 |
M.S. Analytics |
ANLY 545 - Categorical Data Analysis |
online |
André L'Huillier |
very nice professor, light workload, one homework in around 2 weeks, no attendance required. Good lecture and instruction, easy to understand. |
10 |
2023-02-24 09:57:37 |
M.S. Computer Information Sciences |
CISC 600 Scientific Computing I |
online |
Tom Sarihan |
老师很奈斯,上课不用开摄像头,作业需要用jupyter notebook写计算题,每周都有作业,没有考试,有期末project |
5 |
2023-02-23 12:26:53 |
M.S. Project Management |
MGMT 560 - Organizational Leadership |
online |
Marian A. Gigliotti |
6/10.每周都有discussion forum,基本每周都有breakout room,整个学期大概四五篇essay,对写作要求较高,上课会点名回答问题,不接受晚交作业,缺席课堂不给弥补成绩 |
6 |
2023-02-09 12:10:00 |
M.S. Project Management |
PMGT 540 - Planning and Executing Projects |
online |
Carolyn Shaw |
非常推荐!教授人很nice,作业量适中,不能按时完成的话只要提前打招呼都可以延期交.对于成绩不满意的作业看还可以重新提交.每节课会点名,经常会提早下课, |
10 |
2023-02-09 12:05:38 |
Others 其他 |
CBDS 545 Qualitative Research Methods |
online |
Megan Nichols |
Lots of materials, but the assignments are easy and you can revise it. |
8 |
2023-01-11 22:00:10 |
M.S. Project Management |
PMGT 510 Principles of Project Management |
onsite |
Baba Sontyana |
Class is straight forward. Homework is okay but requires a lot team work |
10 |
2023-01-11 05:41:15 |
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management |
ALY565 Forecasting time series |
online |
Martin A Negron |
He is really nice Professor. Easy A. |
10 |
2022-12-21 04:24:38 |
M.S. Project Management |
MGMT 520 Professional Communication |
online |
Nicole Reigelman |
比较推荐。每周两个小作业,都是读一段文字发表评论 草拟回复,不用听课也能写,每周两个作业不到四小时就能完成。该课程还有三个大作业是写1000字论文的,用时多一些不过google就行。老师要求不严,作业晚交几分钟不扣分。上课不点名 但是会有选择题 跟着大家一起选abc就行 |
9 |
2022-11-04 11:39:37 |
M.S. Project Management |
PMGT 563 |
online |
Joseph Deklinski |
老师很有激情 作业有点多但难度不高 fair grader 算是水课吧 |
8 |
2022-11-03 07:56:45 |
M.S. Project Management |
PMGT 510 Principles of Project Management |
onsite |
Joseph Pollhein |
如果你是找一门水课选修,请绕开这门课吧。如果是必修可以考虑这个老师,中规中矩,这门课的作业和quiz挺多,老师上课会提问但不会点名提问,作业可以晚交但每晚一天扣10%,晚一分钟也要扣分。 |
7 |
2022-10-29 09:42:04 |
M.S. Project Management |
ISEM 502 |
online |
Richard Wirth |
Nice professor, good content. Decent amount of homework but seems to be a fair grader. |
8 |
2022-10-29 09:29:35 |
M.S. Computer Information Sciences |
CISC 530 Computing Systems Architecture |
online |
Daqing Yun |
Will do attendance every time. 5 homework, one midterm, and one final. No need to pay too much effort on this course even though you focus during the meeting. Scanning the textbook and PPT before writing the homework and exam is enough. The exams will be similar to homework but change the wording or number (be aware of that). The question in the exam will be true/false, short answer, and calculation. Easy to moderate to get A. |
8 |
2022-10-04 16:13:43 |
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management |
CISC 530 Computing Systems Architecture |
online |
Kapila Molri |
課程本身不討喜,但老師人還行,多問問題、多跟老師溝通通常會有回報。 |
8 |
2022-09-29 03:03:51 |
M.S. Information Systems Engineering&Management |
PMGT 510 Principles of Project Management |
online |
James Swanson |
In his class, on average, there are 2.5 items to complete every week, including individual assignment, group assignment, self and peer evaluation and quiz. He speaks about his personal stories as a project manager most of the time in the class and allocate sometime for PPT. For attendance, he often asks us to answer questions on the case he prepares. Lots of work needed for his class |
8 |
2022-09-20 11:50:48 |
M.S. Computer Information Sciences |
CISC 530 Computing Systems Architecture |
onsite |
Daqing Yun |
easygoing instructor |
8 |
2022-09-09 21:53:36 |