Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5823 Financial Modeling online Dana Leland 教授人特别好,这课不需要买cengage,全是写的东西,重点是教授给分非常非常棒。 10 2023-04-24 11:03:47
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5023 Data Driven Decision Making online Kris Jamsa Professor Kris' expertise is very impressive, and he has published many books. In the course of the class, the teaching of knowledge is relatively clear and easy to understand, and pay more attention to the practical application of students, in the class will often have group contact and on-stage presentation. In the face of homework correction, he will respond to students' discussions in a timely manner in the forum and express his opinion and give guidance. 5 2023-04-18 01:52:27
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics online Clear schedule, reading plan, professor always available! I liked this class. Follow the homework, you will get a high score. 10 2023-04-14 07:04:52
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina-Sosa The teacher is responsive, the course is on Cengage and you’ll be able to figure out the solutions for the assignments and quizzes and exams so don’t worry, but the assignments cost some time tho. 10 2023-03-23 03:03:45
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Antonio Medina-Sosa The teacher is responsive, the course is on cengage and you’ll be able to figure out the solutions for the assignments and quizzes and exams so don’t worry, but the assignments cost some time tho 9 2023-03-22 12:33:36
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization onsite Tricia Hersel The class is pretty well organized, not too many homework and assignments 7 2023-03-20 08:30:22
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication onsite Thomas G. Pucci Overall, I found this course to be valuable and informative. The instructor provided clear expectations and feedback on assignments, and the course material was engaging and relevant to the subject matter. I appreciated the opportunity to learn from my classmates through group discussions and activities. However, I would like to express my concern about the instructor's use of a threatening and disrespectful tone in their communication with students. While I understand that mistakes and non-compliance with course requirements can be frustrating, it is not appropriate for an instructor to use threatening language or to intimidate students in order to motivate compliance. 6 2023-03-19 02:00:19
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA onsite Abdalla Soliman Good course that gets you familiar with the basics of java. Homework load is ok - a lot of content but mostly multiple choices. 8 2023-03-01 13:31:09
Master of Business Administration GE 5103 Project Management onsite Thomas G. Pucci 上他的Executive communication & project management 人挺不错的回覆一般都挺快,学期一开始就鼓励大家有问题可以直接打给他,讨论问题更快速。习惯每周提前给大家发下周上课的内容简介,注重APA格式,按照他给的范例(格式,heading那些)写,准时交基本没问题直接高分奉送,内容不至于太严格,还是挺好商量的教授。 Onsite喜欢让大家多表达下,老爷子也挺多经验,基本上还是可以学到一些东西的 10 2023-03-01 02:14:14
Master of Business Administration Other 其他 online Jacqueline Delagrange She is relatively strict and is very careful about enforcing the rules of the system, and has a more serious evaluation of the specific content of the assignment. The good thing is that she is usually quick to return emails, and she will do so on weekends. 6 2023-02-27 10:41:57
Master of Science in Business Analytics GE 5103 Project Management onsite Todd Tekiele 教授是非常认真那种, 并且有查重的。分数构成有cengage的作业和quiz,discussion和project。cengage的quiz占比很小。大部分分数都是project。 教授是个非常讨厌onsite迟到的人。作业量总体还行 7 2023-02-25 01:32:47
Master of Business Administration GE 5113 New Prod Dev and Innovation Strategies online Dennis Lessard 课程轻松 给分高。onsite开始打架自我介绍一遍,然后再各自演讲一个关于innovation的project,简单的准备一下就行。 10 2023-02-24 11:46:49
Master of Business Administration AC 5023 Managerial Accounting for MBA onsite Christina Waddell Homework load is about 4-5 hours per week. 8 2023-02-24 11:45:58
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5203 Network Management onsite Daniel Brodhead workload is fine and the course is mainly self-studying through heavy reading. 7 2023-02-24 05:39:28
Master of Science in Engineering Management MGT 543 Operations Strategy and Management onsite Maged Kafafy 非常好的一个老师,给分非常高,on-site也很轻松,强力推荐! 10 2023-02-24 02:10:03
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Ricardo McCoy he is really responsible, and patient to all students. the homework is not stressful at all. really good for student who pursuit cpt while having a lot of work. 10 2023-02-23 21:52:17
Master of Business Administration BA 5103 Business Ethics onsite Marcus Ellison 非常好的老师,书本很有意思。onsite的课也很有意思。每周的discussion也很有意思。是能很有意思的学到东西。课业量也不大。每周三次discussion,一个5-7paper,两个quiz。 10 2023-02-23 11:46:14
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5203 Network Management onsite Jamie Canino The instructor's name is actually Jaafar Alhasani and he is very nice and professional. The homework is really easy and does not take time at all. Highly recommend. 8 2023-02-23 11:34:02
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5023 Data Driving Decision Making online Brian Daenzer The course in designed to focus on applications of data tools and techniques for decision making. But, the instructor, Brian Daenzer has given low scores on practical and applied case studies and discussions by requiring that scholarly journals/papers and researched should be cited and referenced. I don’t think he reads through the paper I wrote but just gives grades by commenting no paper cited or wrong APA format 1 2023-02-16 07:36:50
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5063 Corporate Finance online Dana Leland 教授很不错,总体作业量不多。 课程包括一个大project,每周discussion,然后quiz和exam。exam稍微有点难,需要自己动手算。剩下的基本只要准时交好好写教授都会给很不错的分数。 8 2022-12-24 10:45:49
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date