Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Tony Downs 这个教授给分很大方,按要求踩到点就会给满分,对内容质量要求不高。但是他对规则特别严格,迟交作业或者被检测到AI都会给零分,并且上报学校。On-site就是讲一下markting plan作业的内容以及做一个小组活动。 8 2024-02-27 10:39:22
Master of Science in Business Analytics BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools onsite David Torres 每周的作业基本都是学完一个coursera course+disccusion。有sql或者R基础的话会比较简单,没有的话一般网上搜都可以找到答案。Discussion注意要包括reference这样能给满分。onsite是写SQL代码,写完了就可以没有presentation之类的,还比较轻松。作业不算少但是教授David Torres人超级nice,有任何问题或者对grading有疑问跟他邮件沟通都很快回复。感觉是比较认真并且尊重学生的教授。 10 2024-02-27 04:23:17
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5823 Financial Modeling online Fraser Nega 一开始几周作业比较多, 每周都会有discussion,第五周要求有个8-12分钟的presentation(录好上传),后面几周都是final project+discussion。作业量感觉还行。主要是这个教授Fraser Nega, Dr.注意避坑,非常难沟通, 非常passive aggressive,很不专业。 5 2024-02-27 04:16:06
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization online Manya Mayes 这课有quiz, study card,3个考试,一个final project, 3篇作文,tableau的lab,3个tableau的assgiment,总体来说作业量不算少的相比其他课程,老师挺不错,回邮件很及时给分也不错 8 2024-02-27 01:11:29
Master of Business Administration AC 5023 Managerial Accounting for MBA online Charlene Gayle Pro. Gayle is very nice. She can accept late assignment with little penalty and always give full credit to discussion board. It's just the standard answers of some assignments were wrong so you need to communicate with the professor. The workload is ok. 8 2024-02-27 00:48:32
Master of Business Administration BA 5223 Executive Communication online Allen Hersel Good 7 2024-02-26 01:33:09
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA onsite Jeffrey Serrano 慈善。给分高,onsite放学早。能选就选。 10 2024-02-25 11:29:56
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA online Abdalla Soliman quiz题目偏多然后都是多选,但是做了都是给满分无论对错,总体来说还是推荐 9 2024-02-25 06:42:56
Master of Business Administration AC 5023 Managerial Accounting for MBA online LeKeicha Scott It's okay to take, nothing special, easy to pass 8 2024-02-25 05:00:48
Master of Science in Engineering Management BA 6933 Statistics and Quantitative Methods onsite ali afshari 给分还行,不是很离谱,但是事很多,期中期末考试两次考试分数占比50% 6 2024-02-25 04:33:47
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5503 onsite John Crenshaw Very strict on all assignments: Discussions, Podcasts, Papers etc. Very heavy workload. Very strict with grades and APA format. Avoid at all costs 1 2024-02-14 06:19:36
Master of Business Administration MK 6943 Strategic Marketing Management onsite Waston Jason He is responsible. Online class is not so boring. Finals give a lot of points 9 2024-02-06 22:31:31
Master of Science in Business Analytics FIN 5063 Corporate Finance onsite Mairy Alim Too much homework!!!!!! I’m doing day 1 CPT at Trine. So currently I have a full time 9-6 job. And professor Alim’s homework is not achievable hands down. For this week we have 150 pages to read + one very difficult discussions forum + ofc you need to comment on two peers + 4 pages paper + 1000-word case study??? Seriously who can finish this? 1 2024-01-25 09:57:57
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data online Berline Beaubrun 这个课需要自己写R的code,对于R小白很困难,copy GPT的东西在R里都无法运行,因为很多Basic的东西不懂,例如我wk2作业,只是把电脑上的一个CSVfile倒进R里,我就弄了将近半个小时,然后很多code一run就有error,我最后交的作业的Code根本都运行不了,后面由于我心态崩了根本一个Plot图都没有贴上去。BUT!!!教授还是给的100 。。。。 10 2024-01-24 04:27:58
Master of Science in Business Analytics IS 5113 Data Mining and Data Visualization online Amir Schur This professor is very kind, friendly, and responsible. He replied to emails quickly if you had any problem regarding the system and the assignments. The workload was very manageable and no burden. I really enjoyed this course and very highly recommend this professor. 10 2024-01-23 04:44:44
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data online Adam Saleh 作业多。事多。????️???? 1 2024-01-18 10:35:19
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5403 Cybersecurity onsite Jeffrey Serrano 用Cengage,作业答案基本上都可以在网上搜到。老师onsite 巨水,强推 10 2024-01-08 11:57:44
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA online Michael Hofer 水课,用zybook,如果你想水过就随便点点button ,然后programming 小作业 可以用gpt 完成 10 2024-01-08 11:54:45
Master of Business Administration BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods onsite Daniela Todorova This course is good, a lot traditional statistics method been taught. Homework have a little bit more, but it’s high quality class. Worth to learn something. 8 2024-01-02 03:51:21
Master of Science in Information Studies IS 5403 Cybersecurity onsite Kemp Brandon 作业量总体来说还可以,评分很松。每周有一个discussion 要交,这个discussion一般都会扣一点点分,final 有个 1000-2000 字的paper 和一个presentation。 9 2024-01-01 05:05:46
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date