Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2002 Positive Psychology for Business online Tracy Tuten 老师事儿挺多,chatgpt刚出那会儿专门录了个视频说不允许用任何AI generated model for any assignment. 她应该是会那个,作业都去查是不是AI写的。每周四之前要完成讨论内容,每周日之前要回复至少两个同学。 6 2023-04-18 05:38:18
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4003 Part-Time/Full Time Internship online Tom J. Tafolla You will be all good as long as you clock in on the canvas every week. 10 2023-04-18 03:11:26
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2001 Personality and Motivation onsite Dorote Lucci 老师人很好,课程作业很容易,一个月一次的onsite也很轻松: 10 2023-04-18 01:30:50
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3008 Marketing 1 online Tracy Tuten 作业太多了,特别是final project,而且评分严 1 2023-03-15 07:20:21
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 3801 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science onsite Christopher Smith Great professor, detailed material, not a lot of homework 10 2023-03-01 02:24:46
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 2201 Artificial Intelligence online Samane Abdi it's okay to learn something by yourself if taking it seriously or else don't expect too much 5 2023-02-23 12:45:41
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 2201 Artificial Intelligence online Samane Abdi It's not that excellent but okay, if you want you can learn something from the homework or else just learn by yourself 4 2023-02-23 12:44:20
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS3922 Applied Cryptography onsite Samane Abdi 非常不负责任的老师, 上课念ptt就像念经。第6周才开始改第一周的作业, 而且作业的问题问的很笼统, 扣分就很随意的乱扣分, 身边的同学都各种被她扣分! 1 2023-02-23 12:19:12
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 2401 Data Science onsite Hiba Talat 老师人超级好, 给的分数也非常高。只要按时出勤和完成每周的讨论都可以拿满分的。 10 2023-02-23 11:04:16
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3008 Marketing 1 online Tracy Tuten Lots of homework and the instructor is nitpicking in grading. 1 2023-02-21 05:48:58
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2003 Decision Science 1 online Andy Borg The assignments are not very relevant to the reading material. 8 2023-02-16 10:59:45
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3005 Operations onsite Tom J. Tafolla The instructor adds in-class assignments which are not added to the Canvas assignments initially. And he did not clearly understand the signature assignment requirement and asked us to come up with our own prompt. 6 2023-02-16 10:57:37
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 3804 Cyber Security and Information Assurance onsite Dr. Farhood Teaching chaos, unsystematic teaching 1 2022-12-21 06:10:26
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3006 Business Law and Ethics onsite 课很简单 作业基本每周半小时可以完成 很适合划水 10 2022-12-21 03:35:02
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4601 Marketing 2 online Tracy Tuten Presentation decks did not mention transpersonal application but it was required for every written assignment. Overall assignment instructions are clear. 7 2022-12-21 03:22:00
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2002 Positive Psychology for Business onsite Dorote Lucci Discussions are very random not related to the business perspectives too much. 2 2022-12-21 03:20:05
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 3008 Marketing 1 online Tracy Tuten Homework is intense! Scoring is STRICT!!! Ddls are mostly on weekdays, so it can be challenged. If you are on CPT, think twice before you choose. 5 2022-12-18 03:14:41
Master of Science in Computer Science MSCS 2101 Software Engineering onsite Christopher Smith Good professor who has rich experience in software engineering. He knows how to interact with students and lead out following content based on students’ answers. Weekly homework assignment, mandatory attendance. 10 2022-11-05 00:40:17
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 4601 Marketing 2 online Tracy Tuten She did not provide transpersonal content in her readings but required you to provide that in the discussion. 7 2022-11-03 07:41:02
Master of Business Administration – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) MBA 2002 Positive Psychology for Business onsite Dorote Lucci She forces every discussion group to share in class which might make you uncomfortable if you are not into sharing personal stuff a lot. 6 2022-11-03 07:39:08
Major Subject and Course Number Course Delivery Instructor Review Rating Date